As news poured in this week, we planned…

Today, 8 Nia teachers and a BIG class of students gathered to Dance and Donate. It was a fantastic dance and we raised over $1000 for the San Antonio and Houston Food Banks. THANK YOU! My heart is smiling ☺







How are you doing this moment? What are you doing to be present and open to possibilities? The first thing I do is take a deep breath, exhale, and sense my FEET touching the Earth. Sensing the ground underneath me truly grounds ME, and that brings my body and breath into the present moment. From that place, I can be relaxed, alert, and waiting.

Think about this…

“Your foot is a masterful network of approximately 33 joints, 26 bones and morethan 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. You have more than 7,000 nerve endings in each foot, constantly sending messages throughout your body. Today, you will take about 6,000 steps. By age 70, your feet will have logged over 70,000 miles.” ~an excerpt from article by Debbie Rosas, co-creator of Nia.

Are you ready to ground? Bring your feet to class this week, all 33 joints, 26 bones, and 100 muscles x 2!

My feet can’t wait to dance with yours! 

See you soon, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 7:30am, Wednesday 9:15am,  Friday 9:15am, Sunday 4:00

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Yoga: Thursday 12:00pm, Sunday 8:45am

ps. Read more of Debbie’s article here