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Jumpstart Your Day + Raise the Vibration! 🥰

Good morning! Yes it is!

I have been a life-long advocate of positive affirmations, movement, breath, and how I can make choices every moment, based in love. I believe we can change raise our vibration physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

I have also been a community builder, believing in humanity, inclusiveness, equality, and equanimity. How can WE work together to raise the vibration of the Earth that we share?

A life of many practices has brought together something I want to share with you. I hope you will join me in this daily practice I call, ‘Jumpstart Your Day + Raise the Vibration!’ 🙏🏻

Positive Affirmation Cards!

This practice begins with a ‘Breath Dance’ from Transformational Breath. Using the inhale/exhale dance to activate the diaphragm, it is followed by Nia FreeDance, where I let go and let it flow. I then move into the first of 4 repetitions of ‘Nitric Oxide Activation.’ This activation is four movements, based in medical science, that releases nitric oxide into the circulatory system. Read more about the benefits here, including increasing endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and more. Another article here. There is a lot more on the web!

The ‘Nitric Oxide Activation’ is ideally accomplished by breathing in and out of the nose, for better results. When jumpstarting the morning, afternoon or evening, it is also fun to let go into Nia FreeDance at certain points in the song. 😁

Ending this short, fun 8’32” experience, I bring my heart rate down with a little Tai Chi, Breath, and Yoga. Setting a positive intention for the day, I step out feeling FUN-tastic! 🤩

Reaching out to the amazing artist of the song I use, Panache Desai, he was thrilled for me to share it with you. Look up this beautiful man, and all he is doing to raise the vibration of the world! 🌍

Are you ready? Join me daily in a private FB group, to

‘Jumpstart Your Day + Raise the Vibration!’

**I will be live from somewhere in the world. There are also recordings you can use in your daily practice!**

Happy Faces after Nia, Transformational Breath, Tai Chi
+ Positive Affirmations!!!

Move, Shake, Circle, Undulate, Realign! 🤩

Happy August my friends ! 
Are you ready to realign?! 💃🏻🕺

The pelvis, chest and head make up the Core of our body, where we contain, exchange, and direct the flow of energy.  In Nia, we incorporate movement of the pelvis, chest and head with pelvic circles, hip bumps, chest isolations, undulations, spinal rolls, shimmies + head and eye movements.  By incorporating all these movements, we keep our spine strong and healthy, and energy flowing through all seven chakras that are located along our mystic column.

As Nia reveals, one of the most beautiful things about living in a body is our ability to find healing and realignment through movement. By paying attention to the way we hold and use our three body weights, we can identify areas that need adjusting and make conscious “tweaks” to re-establish balance, alignment and power.

Take a look at these pictures for some inspiration to move your core! 

1. Weight of the head at these angles:

2. Where we started and where we are going! 

3. Sitting at your computer right now reading this… are you aware of your postural alignment? 

Join me in class this week as we move, shake, circle, undulate and realign, focusing on Principle #8, Core of the Body. Unlimited opportunities to strengthen the spine, let energy flow, and find the balance that we need to keep our core aligned and healthy. Our body is RESILIENT… AND, we have to dance it multiple ways to keep it flowing!

BTW, Hannah is in town this week, if you are interested in taking an amazing Pilates Reformer class… talk about core strength! Monday afternoon at 5:00, + Tuesday at 11:00 and 12:00. With only 4 reformers, sign up in advance! *Required for all of our classes at The Synergy Studio*

Welcome the RESILIENCE of your body, as we return to this beautiful routine, exploring the CORE of the body, Nia White Belt Principle #8. 

See YOU on the dance floor! ❤️❤️❤️ Adelle

Monday: Nia 9:15am

Tuesday: Tai Chi Sunrise in the Garden 8:30am

Wednesday: Nia 9:15am

Thursday: Nia FreeDance 9:15am + Yoga at Lunch 12:00pm

Friday: Nia 9:15am

All classes offered at The Synergy Studio + on Zoom. Go to the schedule page to sign up!

Its HOT! 🥵 Stay cool with us! 😃

‘Summertime and the living is easy’ 🌸 🌞 ☂

Summer in Texas means nice mornings and evenings + hot days in between. Come on down and cool off with us!

We have added some WONDERFUL classes, as we open up again… Yoga, Pilates, Nia, Nia FreeDance, Aerial Yoga, Pilates Reformer, Hair Salon, Massage Therapy and MORE! *Transformational Breath® weekend coming in September!* 🐝 🥳 ❤️ Check out The Synergy Studio website!

We also have some COOL, breathable natural fiber leggings that are comfortable and perfect for warmer weather. With a lot more to explore in our retail space, we have some surprises coming in a few weeks from Harem Pants in Thailand! *PS. You will LOVE their clothes* A little more about Harem Pants:

“Located in the north of Thailand, HaremPants products are handcrafted by our talented family of dedicated artisans.

We believe in clothes and accessories that are as individual as you are, so we create items that scream out fun and creativity. Every product is made with heart, designed to bring a little bit of happiness and light to your daily life.

Most importantly, our products give back. Every item you purchase helps to support our artisan community, providing long term jobs and a sustainable income.”

BEAUTIFUL COOL leggings from Harem Pants in Thailand!

All of our classes require signing up in advance.

Come visit!! 🤩

Love in abunDance! 🥳 Adelle

Be the Change 🌀

‘Be the Change’ is one of my favorite mantras. It represents my passion for BEing, rather than just talking, complaining, blaming, or deflecting. BEing to me means taking responsibility, speaking up, and taking action.

On Friday, I was brought to my knees. Through our non-profit, The Synergy Studio Community, I was asked to teach a ‘Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness’ class as a guest instructor at one of our High Schools. Their amazing teacher had planned a beautiful early morning, enticing the young adults to arrive at school early, take the class with me, and then enjoy homemade overnight oats, fresh muffins and water.

I arrived at 7:15 am, and set up for the 7:30 class in the gym, where we were moved from our planned outdoor location, due to the weather. As the young people strolled in, ranging from 15-18 years old, I observed their body language and interaction. What I saw were ‘masked faces.’ While they all wore the required cloth masks, I observed expressionless eyes, no movement of their foreheads, no smizing, and no laughter. I sensed my tears welling up inside, as I felt the weight of the last year on these young lives. Delivering the promise of a great experience magnified in importance.

With an inspirational playlist, I taught the class led by spirit. I encouraged them to move, explore, breathe, sound, emote, create and express gratitude for their best friend, their body. As the 40 minute class progressed, I saw their faces mold, shape, smile, and their bodies morph into expressive movement. I heard sounding, laughter, and observed the exchange and interaction between friends. I saw children, BEing children. At the end of class, I encouraged them to set a focus as ‘peaceful warriors of love.’ They all let out a “Whoop!” Little did I know that their school mascot was Warriors! 🤩

I am more impassioned than ever. We are experiencing a re-emerging of life, as we crawl out of the last year of lock-down. As adults, we know how difficult the last year has been, personally, professionally, socially and otherwise. We have seen a lot of life and we know that there is light at the other end. It is time to turn our attention to the children and young people who need our encouragement, guidance, understanding, love and listening ears.

The Synergy Studio Community is moving forward with our mission, and I am more determined than ever to walk the talk, to BE the Change… taking responsibility, speaking up and taking action.

Join me. 🙏🏻

To find out more, and to donate to our mission, click here! 🙏🏻🌀❤️

Join our Facebook group, where we offer free mini classes, tips for health and wellness, and positive thoughts! Click here

Bring it on!

Pulsing Passion 2gether! ❤️

In this week of love, I’m delving deeper into my purpose, my passion, my gifts. I manifest. I build community. I bring people together.

My life purpose? To open pathways of healing, paved in love. ❤️

I love nature. I love animals. I love you. I love…. Period. Why are we so afraid to say, “I love you?”

Now is all we have my friends. Even if I don’t know you, I love you. Love is what will change the world. Love IS the change that we want to see… that we want to BE in the world.

There is no other choice.

Say “I love you” to at least one person a day. Smile at a stranger. Greet the person walking on the other side of the street. My mantra… Acknowledge everyBody.

Let’s do this.

Join me in class! Where?

P.S. Have I told you today that I love you? I do! ❤️

Get funky! Dress, Dance, and BE life!

There is just something about our commUnity. We love funky dance clothes!

We carry a lot of unique clothing at The Synergy Studio. Clothing that can be worn for Yoga, Nia, Pilates, other classes, as well as to Starbucks, to work… or even a special dinner out. Every single time I wear my ‘movement clothing’ out somewhere, I get compliments. While the compliments are nice, the most important thing to me is comfort. Movement clothes are comfortable!

It’s fun to wear bell bottoms, bright colors, leggings, leg warmers, arm gloves and head bands. It’s fun to be different! I love looking out and seeing the uniqueness of everyBody in class, the smiles, the laughter, AND the fun clothes.

Check out some of the styles we have at the studio! Favorites are our leggings, harem pants + convertible jumpsuits, and rompers, all from Harem Pants in Thailand. Other favorites are the wonderful ponchos and leggings from Jala Clothing.

Come on in! We offer so many classes… something for everybody! We are even offering a FUN Salsa class, in a 5-week series beginning Wednesday, March 18, from 7:00-9:00pm. Click here to check it out!

AND… Arthur Hull is coming back to The Synergy Studio! Get ready for a FUN Rhythmical Alchemy Playshop! The master teacher of Drum Circles in the United States, we are lucky to have Arthur back. Sign up to hold your spot!

I can’t wait to see you and give you a hug! And if you feel like it, wear something funky, something different, and BE the unique YOU that you are!

Soul of Jiva Clothing from Sweden!

Why do I office at Starbucks?

On an exquisite day in San Antonio, Texas, I find myself once again at Starbucks. My favorite place to office, I come here almost daily, working through the afternoon as I enJoy unlimited green tea and great internet.

What is the real reason I continue to office at Starbucks? People. I love people. That is funny coming from an introvert. Last year, when visiting Portland, Oregon, I was introduced to the Starbucks yummy ‘light ice, no sugar added’ green tea by my dear friend and Nia colleague, Laurie Bass. Upon returning to San Antonio, I began my search for the perfect location. After my first experience of seeing people I knew and meeting many new faces, I knew I was in the right place. ♥️

I’ve had conversations with the mayor of our beautiful city, people who recognized me as ‘The Synergy Studio owner’, people who were new to the area, as well as those who I’ve known for many years. I can put on ear buds and smile at people without getting into a conversation, or engage the person next to me, offering them a card and some words about Nia®, Transformational Breath®, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates Reformer, Drum Circles, Salsa, JourneyDance, special workshops… any and all that we offer at the studio. When I’m in the mood, I don’t hold back! ♥️

I have a mantra, “BE the change that WE want to see in the world.” Yes, it is borrowed, and yes, I pass it on daily. How are WE going to make a difference otherwise?

No advice here, just wisdom. Don’t hold back from the world. Speak of your passions, your desires, your affirmations, and I guarantee that positive energy will ignite inside you, as well as around you. AbunDance will be yours.

My word for the studio? IGNITE. My personal word for my life? ABUNDANCE. Live from the place of IGNITE-ing ABUNDANCE, and your life will change. Guess what? You will bring the world with you! ♥️

Oh! And stop by a Starbucks with your computer and personal cup. They have unlimited green tea and unlimited possibilities to explore! ♥️

IGNITE Five Sensations for Health + Wellness! ♥️

IGNITE! The new Nia Routine by master choreographer Ann Christiansen!

In Nia, we talk about the ‘5 Sensations of Functional Fitness.’ Bringing awareness of these five sensations into our daily life, we can activate them in any given moment. They are all present in our body. An acronym to remember them… FAMSS!

Flexibility… the sensation of energy moving out along the bones, opening and creating space for change. ♥️

Agility… the sensation of energy starting and stopping, like the movements of a child, quick and explosive. ♥️

Mobility… the sensation of energy in constant motion, flowing like a river; like the movement of every cell in our body. ♥️

Strength… the sensation of energy moving in, complementing Flexibility as muscles contract and we say, “Yes! This is my body!” ♥️

Stability… the sensation of energy moving in all directions, complementing Mobility. The mama of all sensations, stability allows us to stand upright, to reach out our hand, to dance, to walk, all without falling into gravity. ♥️

We can IGNITE these sensations not only in our body, but also in our emotions, our mind, and our spirit, keeping all 4 realms healthy and balanced.

As I am learning the magnificent new Nia routine by Ann Christiansen, I am focusing on these sensations, adding one or two every week. Adding a sensation(s), I am also adding one or two more songs to my playlist. Combining the unfamiliar with the familiar, creating ease in the student’s, as well as my realms. No rushing. No need to get it right. Lots of smiles, laughter and “Well, oops… let that go and freedance! We’ll come back to the movement when the teacher remembers it!”

It has been a magical way of incorporating this amazing routine into not only my body, but also the students’. I am cherishing seeing them learn the katas and many times cueing me with the next sequence. 

Sharing my creative process of the playlists below. enJoy! My wish for you is to IGNITE ease, smiles, laughter, grace, and armfuls of love! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Week one was all about Agility!
Week two? Complementary energies of Mobility + Stability!
This week is having fun with the complements of Flexibility + Strength!

Next week? IGNITE-ing the FUN of the routine, loose + tight!

IGNITE-ing Love… let’s BE the change! Adelle ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

2020: Year of Ignite!

For 15 years, I have named the year for The Synergy Studio. I wait patiently for the mandate from Spirit. ♥️

This year’s mandate came from the brand new Nia routine that was just released yesterday, December 31, 2019. The name of Ann Christianson’s masterful work is ‘IGNITE.’ Perfect.

IGNITE! Nia Routine by Ann Christiansen

What positive intentions can you IGNITE this year? There are endless possibilities…

Ignite gratitude. ♥️

Ignite inclusiveness. ♥️

Ignite abundance. ♥️

Ignite compassion. ♥️

Ignite breath. ♥️

Ignite joy. ♥️

Ignite awareness. ♥️

Ignite passion. ♥️

Ignite intuition. ♥️

Ignite creativity. ♥️

Ignite transformation. ♥️

Ignite courage. ♥️

Ignite kindness. ♥️

Ignite peace. ♥️

Ignite love. ♥️

And the list goes on… and on… and on. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Everyday, we have the opportunity to begin our day with positive affirmations that will raise the vibration and carry us through the day ♥️ BE-ing the change. BE-ing a sacred athlete who walks his/her talk, who stands up for others, who gives without a need for return, making a difference moment to moment. The smallest gestures of kindness can make another person’s day. If we make choices based in love, we will IGNITE a positive flow of energy that will BE the change. ♥️

The time is now. We have no other time but NOW.

Let’s do this! 2020: Year of Ignite! The Synergy Studio

I am deeply grateful for the many practices that hold me up, raise my vibration, and encourage me to share with the world… Nia, Transformational Breath, Yoga, and many more.

Thank you all!

With love we continue. ♥️ Onward, Inward and Upward 2020! Adelle ♥️♥️♥️

Transformational Breath® Affirmation Cards!

Have you seen our new location?

We love it!

Come on in!

Come see us!
701 North Alamo, St. 2, San Antonio, Texas, 78215

Beautiful clothing from Harem Pants! We just got in this wonderful Thai Romper… cool, comfortable, stylish and FUN!

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