Tag: #Nia

Jumpstart Your Day + Raise the Vibration! 🥰

Good morning! Yes it is!

I have been a life-long advocate of positive affirmations, movement, breath, and how I can make choices every moment, based in love. I believe we can change raise our vibration physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

I have also been a community builder, believing in humanity, inclusiveness, equality, and equanimity. How can WE work together to raise the vibration of the Earth that we share?

A life of many practices has brought together something I want to share with you. I hope you will join me in this daily practice I call, ‘Jumpstart Your Day + Raise the Vibration!’ 🙏🏻

Positive Affirmation Cards!

This practice begins with a ‘Breath Dance’ from Transformational Breath. Using the inhale/exhale dance to activate the diaphragm, it is followed by Nia FreeDance, where I let go and let it flow. I then move into the first of 4 repetitions of ‘Nitric Oxide Activation.’ This activation is four movements, based in medical science, that releases nitric oxide into the circulatory system. Read more about the benefits here, including increasing endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and more. Another article here. There is a lot more on the web!

The ‘Nitric Oxide Activation’ is ideally accomplished by breathing in and out of the nose, for better results. When jumpstarting the morning, afternoon or evening, it is also fun to let go into Nia FreeDance at certain points in the song. 😁

Ending this short, fun 8’32” experience, I bring my heart rate down with a little Tai Chi, Breath, and Yoga. Setting a positive intention for the day, I step out feeling FUN-tastic! 🤩

Reaching out to the amazing artist of the song I use, Panache Desai, he was thrilled for me to share it with you. Look up this beautiful man, and all he is doing to raise the vibration of the world! 🌍

Are you ready? Join me daily in a private FB group, to

‘Jumpstart Your Day + Raise the Vibration!’

**I will be live from somewhere in the world. There are also recordings you can use in your daily practice!**

Happy Faces after Nia, Transformational Breath, Tai Chi
+ Positive Affirmations!!!

Its HOT! 🥵 Stay cool with us! 😃

‘Summertime and the living is easy’ 🌸 🌞 ☂

Summer in Texas means nice mornings and evenings + hot days in between. Come on down and cool off with us!

We have added some WONDERFUL classes, as we open up again… Yoga, Pilates, Nia, Nia FreeDance, Aerial Yoga, Pilates Reformer, Hair Salon, Massage Therapy and MORE! *Transformational Breath® weekend coming in September!* 🐝 🥳 ❤️ Check out The Synergy Studio website!

We also have some COOL, breathable natural fiber leggings that are comfortable and perfect for warmer weather. With a lot more to explore in our retail space, we have some surprises coming in a few weeks from Harem Pants in Thailand! *PS. You will LOVE their clothes* A little more about Harem Pants:

“Located in the north of Thailand, HaremPants products are handcrafted by our talented family of dedicated artisans.

We believe in clothes and accessories that are as individual as you are, so we create items that scream out fun and creativity. Every product is made with heart, designed to bring a little bit of happiness and light to your daily life.

Most importantly, our products give back. Every item you purchase helps to support our artisan community, providing long term jobs and a sustainable income.”

BEAUTIFUL COOL leggings from Harem Pants in Thailand!

All of our classes require signing up in advance.

Come visit! www.thesynergystudio.com! 🤩

Love in abunDance! 🥳 Adelle

The Magic of Connection Over the Ocean and Beyond!

Good morning from Rome, Wales and San Antonio, Texas!

When choosing the music for the upcoming release of  the new Nia routine CELL-ebrate, over a year and a half ago, I heard a double CD by James Asher called Drum Travel. In my first peruse of the music, many of the songs went into my ‘possibilities’ playlist. One song in particular, Hey Wanaina, was hauntingly beautiful, with a Native American woman singing in her language. It was drawing me in over and over, and yet I did not know what she was saying. I decided to write to Jame’s website and ask, knowing that we have to be careful with our universal language and not get into a bind with offensive language when choosing music for Nia routines.

I heard back from the ‘website’ that same day, and it was James himself! He wrote… “I have no idea what the words mean. I do find when combined with music, there is a language resulting, which transcends literal meaning. I invite you to enter a similar space where reaching beyond literal words, we achieve an attunement to the heart where we can leave such details way behind.” Best Wishes, James

I knew at that moment that the song was a go for me. It was also the beginning of a deep friendship across the ocean. I chose 4 songs from Drum Travel for CELL-ebrate, along with other artists, and began the process of getting the songs in line for licensing approval.

Captured right after filming CELL-ebrate in Portland. September, 2016

Jump ahead to last September…

While absorbing the magic of the Black Belt with Ann Christiansen and Debbie Rosas, and anticipating the filming of CELL-ebrate, I mentioned to Debbie about the correspondence with James, and my desire to use his words in the routine booklet. She encouraged me to write him for approval. I decided to take that step forward, and wrote him hours later. Within 15 minutes, I received a response, “Adelle, would you be so kind as to give me your cell phone? I would like to speak to you.” Best, James

I nervously gave him my number, not knowing how he was going to respond, and my phone rang a few minutes later. Standing in the bathroom in Portland, we had a 45 minutes conversation about Nia. Even though he knew we had licensed his music before, he knew nothing about what we teach. It was beyond my imagination, explaining Nia to someone who had never even seen a class. His intrigue with ‘katas’ and how they were choreographed to his music was encouraging… and he asked if we could Skype when I returned home to ‘show him the katas!’ Over the next month, he called several times a week, as we planned our Skype meeting, asking more and more questions about Nia.

In anticipation of meeting visually, he mentioned a dear friend who he wanted me to meet, Arthur Hull. Not knowing who he was at the time, I looked him up and discovered that Arthur had written many books, and had the distinction of bringing the ‘drum circle’ to many cultures and countries, especially the US. He had been training people all over the world to facilitate drum circles, bringing people together with the power of music and rhythm. We planned our virtual rendezvous, and I was ecstatic!

James turned out to be a very quiet, introspective Englishman, and Arthur a boisterous hysterical American. Our skype meeting was lengthy, informative and FUN! Many stories later, Arthur revealed that he was one of Gabrielle Roth’s original drummers at Esalen, when she was creating the 5Rhythms. He had never heard of Nia!

I spontaneously decided to film CELL-ebrate the next morning, with me dancing in the studio, and send it to them to ‘see’ how the magic of music inspired the movement katas. I sent them the visual choreographed 8BC’s, for them to see the patterns and how we map the music + choreography. They received it, and stayed up all night drinking wine, and discussing the intricacies of the music + choreography map.

Arthur emailed me the next morning, saying that they were very inspired. He and James were off and running… creating the beginning of some music pieces.

I received 4 songs a few months later, with explanations of how they began, what inspired them, and the other artists that contributed to the creation. The email James wrote me immediately brought tears of gratitude… for the connection across the oceans. The connection of Nia Movement with Music. The alchemy of Magical connective tissue! M, M, M indeed!

Thank you James!

Jumping many months, I found myself in late April in Wales, preparing to teach CELL-ebrate with James Asher accompanying me on drums. He arrived with CD’s in hand, one he created called AdelleSphere, some of his favorite songs!

The following weekend Joanie Brooks and I taught  a Nia FreeDance weekend experience, spreading more Nia magic out into the world. We had one person participating who lives in England. She had her first Nia experience with me at The Synergy Studio in San Antonio. It was at a Transformational Breath® Training where I offered Nia every morning, cueing only with breath. She was thrilled to connect again!

Connection with dear friends in Rome! Adelle, Antonella, Ananda and Joanie

This is connection.

This is community.

This is love.

Smiles of anticipation! A GREAT Nia FreeDance weekend on the horizon! Adelle and James

This is the connective tissue of healing.

James Asher (unbeknownst to me) not only stayed for the entire Nia FreeDance weekend, but he accompanied Joanie and me when teaching both public classes, as well as the somatic exercises that included music. It was amazing to see an artist in RAW, picking up rhythms and syncopation, subtleties and expressions, even to songs that he had not heard before. It was truly magical!

James stayed with us at Fiona’s house, so the connection through many conversations, walks, silence + sound continued.

A walk in the country with James Asher









In addition to the connection with James, the woman who first found Nia when she attended a Transformational Breath® training at The Synergy Studio in San Antonio, brought two friends who had never even taken a Nia class. One was magically transformed, and her words of wisdom and reflection in beginner’s mind were profound.

The other participant and her experience are beyond words to describe. She had been in a terrible accident that left one side of her body in disarray, including her eye on that side. With encouragement from Joanie, me and others,  she danced Nia for the first time… with shoes, standing and moving in her way, as well as dancing in a chair. When it came time for her to have a chance to teach, on the 2nd day, she jumped right in and gave the focus, intent and explanation of Nia FreeDance to the entire group, as the leader.

James and Adelle prepare for the CELL-ebrate class!

WOW is all I can say!

Tears of gratitude for this amazing practice that we all love so dearly, and for each of you who are making a difference one person, one body, one soul, one heart at a time.

Sending love from Rome, Wales, and San Antonio, Texas!


PS. Joanie and I have shared many pics and short videos on FB. They are fun and tell a visual story.

Patrick, Adelle, Fiona, Joanie and James in Wales!

Wales Nia FreeDance DJ’s! Fun is in the house!

Roma Nia FreeDance DJ’s! Where’s the fun?!! Here it is!!!






Lovely bluebonnets from this last weekend!

“You look lovely today.”… “That flower is lovely!”… “What a lovely thing to say.”… “How lovely!”… “Lovely weather we are having today!”

Lovely… a beautiful word. Notice how you feel when you use the word, saying to yourself, “I am lovely!”

White Belt Principle #5, Awareness, is at the top of my list of favorites. I use it daily, as I am dancing through life, practicing living meditation, and seeing life as art. All part of living as a sacred athlete.  All part of recognizing life as lovely.

I invite you to use ‘lovely’ at least once in your conversation every day this week. SEE how it changes your perspective, as you SEE life as art… as lovely.

I’ll SEE you in class lovely ones!  Adelle

Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls… Lovely!

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 9:15am, Sunday 4:00pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Yoga: Thursday 12:00pm, Sunday 8:45am

Announcing the launch of Nia FreeDance!


Nia FreeDance!

Last weekend, I was thrilled to be a part of the training staff for Nia FREEDANCE, a new class that Nia is launching, and I’m sooo excited to bring it to the studio starting in September!

I will be adding Nia FREEDANCE on Thursdays at 9:15am. My first class will be Thursday, September 3rd, 9:15am.

Mark your calendars, and join me for this GREAT new addition to the wonderful practice we call Nia. Below is a description of the Nia FREEDANCE class. Wear comfortable clothes and bring an open mind, ready to explore!

Below is a description of the new class.

I love you all so much, Adelle


Nia FREEDANCE, the class, is designed to help people move freely and expressively, bringing them closer to the source of their authentic dance where their spirit, body, mind, and emotions unite to create an artful movement experience.

Nia FREEDANCE is unique; different from a Classic Nia Class with Routine Choreography. This is an “open” class intended for the participant to Move|Explore|Create through FreeDance to the Music and Movement of 4 Stages, 7 Cycles and 5 Sensations!


A more detailed description about Nia FREEDANCE,

Nia’s contribution to the Conscious Dance Community . . .

FREEDANCE is a barefoot 60-minute conscious dance movement class designed to awaken the movement artist within, and to stimulate the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The result is the art of movement creativity. Students are guided to explore their own movement, and to dance in their own way, and in their own time to soul-stirring music, eclectic sonic landscapes that provide cellular resonance to evoke self-expression, and to unleash movement creativity via the art and integration of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Facilitated by a Nia teacher, 4 parts, with a unique focus and intent support students in creating a body of work in each class: the art. This class is open to all levels. No experience necessary.



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