Move, Shake, Circle, Undulate, Realign!

Breath and Movement Triptich
Hello Friends!
A GREAT week is ahead! Our weather is beautiful, the air is clean, the flowers are blooming, the colors of Spring are magnificent. Smell the moment…. ahhhh!
This weekend, I will be offering the next Breath and Movement™, a weekend that I developed for the Transformational Breath® Foundation. I have added a ‘Friday Only’ option, from 5:00-7:30pm,for those of you who cannot experience the entire weekend. Many of you have asked about Transformational Breath®, and this is the perfect opportunity to learn about your breath and experience a breath session. My fellow Trainer and dear friend Faith Duncan, from Houston, will be assisting me. I hope you will join us! Sign up here for Friday Night Only option.
*** PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Breath and Movement™ Friday evening, there will not be a Fun Friday Nia class at 5:30***
I look forward to teaching my classes this week, and can’t wait to dance with you. In anticipation of a weekend of learning how the activation of the core helps to deepen the breath, I am inspired to focus on Nia Principle # 8: Core.
The pelvis, chest and head make up the Core of our body, where we contain, exchange, and direct the flow of energy.  In Nia, we incorporate movement of the pelvis, chest and head with pelvic circles, hip bumps, chest isolations, undulations, spinal rolls, shimmies and head and eye movements.  By incorporating all these movements, we keep our spinestrong and healthy, and energy flowing through all seven chakras that are located along our mystic column.

As Nia reveals, one of the most beautiful things about living in a body is our ability to find healing and realignment through movement. By paying attention to the way we hold and use our three body weights, we can identify areas that need adjusting and make conscious “tweaks” to re-establish balance, alignment and power.

Join me in class this week as we move, shake, circle, undulate and realign, focusing on Principle #8, Core of the Body. Unlimited 
opportunities to strengthen the spine, let energy flow, and find balance in the Year of New Beginnings!

Dancing into a glorious week, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, NO Fun Friday 5:30 pm due to Breath and Movement Friday Night Only option,

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am… all at The Synergy Studio!

Bob’s your Uncle, Fanny’s your Aunt! Nia this week

Happy Weekend my friends!

I’m very excited to have my dear friend, Fiona Winter, and her husband Patrick, visiting me from Wales. Fiona and I met during her Nia White Belt training and then we did our Blue, Brown, and Black Belt together. We also were together for various other trainings in Portland, and it has been 8 years since we have danced in the same room!

English phrases always make me laugh and Fiona keeps me in stitches. “Bob’s your Uncle, Fanny’s your Aunt.” Do you know what that means? hahahhah!

Come find out this week, as Fiona will be dancing with us tomorrow (Sunday) at 4:00. On Tuesday at 6:45am, and Wednesday at 9:15am, she will join me on the dance floor to team teach some wonderful ‘Carlos’ choreographed songs, in honor of the man who was our trainer for all of our belts. She will also be with us Thursday at 9:15, for my Nia FreeDance class. Get ready to have a blast with this special fireball of a lady!

AND… Fiona is going to teach a special Nia noon class on Tuesday, at 12:00! She will be doing her own choreographed routine called Grace. Grace is an elegantly crafted piece of movement medicine, designed to take you willingly into a state of grace and effortless, uplifting joyous movement. The routine uses the music of Siri Sadhana Kaur, whose inspirational, rich and passionate voice creates music medicine that speaks directly to the soul, and gets the cells humming. I will be dancing with you as a student, to experience Fiona’s magic for the first time. I’m so excited! I hope you will join us!

It is always a treat when Nia colleagues come through town and teach with us, and Fiona is an extra special treat, “the icing on the cake!”  🙂 We are pictured below in my garden. 🙂

See you tomorrow (twice!), Tuesday (twice!) and Wednesday with Fiona. I will also be teaching my Fun Friday class at 5:30pm. A week of de-light-FULL dance!

Love, Adelle

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My classes this week:

Yoga Slow Flow: Easter Sunday, 8:45am

Nia: Easter Sunday 4:00pm, Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday, 9:15am

Dance a Jig! Happy Spring!


Happy Spring to everyBody!

Yesterday, I was standing in my bare feet, enjoying the green Earth, and the yummy sensation of soft grass touching me. When we stand barefoot in grass, we soak up negative ions through our feet, which are good for us, and discharge positive ions that we absorb throughout the day. Even though they have the word ‘positive’, they come from cell phones, computers, microwave ovens, as well as other sources, and are not good for us. Being barefoot is the key. Shoes block the energy exchange!

I love the springtime in San Antonio, and green is my favorite color. When you were a child, did you ever want to be a leprechaun? I sure did! March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day, and is linked to leprechauns, the mystical fairy creatures. Leprechauns are associated with being shoemakers and also connected with finding a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever captured by a human, the Leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for their release.                                                                                                

I think of wishes as hopes, dreams, goals, and intentions.                                        

Our feet are our ‘hands that touch the earth,’ and our feet, ankles, legs, and knees create the base of our body… a base that supports us from underneath and behind all day.  Let’s take off our shoes this week, and dance a jig, moving with the energy of a leprechaun, and dancing our intentions into manifestation. (maybe let one of your wishes be that San Antonio remain green this summer!)

See YOU soon fellow leprechaun!

Love, Adelle

My classes this week:                                                                                                          Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm               Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am                                                                                           Yoga Slow Flow: Sunday 8:45am


Read on for some great ‘wishing’ words from Madisyn Taylor of Daily Om!

When we wish for something our consciousness opens to receiving it like a flower unfolding its petals to receive a bee.

From blowing dandelion seeds into the air to throwing a penny into a fountain, we have all felt inspired to make a wish, to whisper our secret desires into the ears of the universe and wait for signs that we have been heard. Some wishes come true while others remain ethereal visions that either stay with us or fade like a star in the light of morning. Whether they come true or not, wishes are important missives, expressing our heart’s desire as well as our intention to create something new in our lives. When we wish for something, our consciousness opens to receiving it, like a flower unfolding its petals to receive a bee.

There is something innocent and magical about making a wish, something that recalls the energy of childhood. Wishing is not about formulating a plan and following it step by step to attain a goal, which is the realm of adulthood. Wishing is more like a playful volley across the universe, an invitation to play. Waiting for the response is an integral part of the process. Wishing inspires an innocent opening to the possibility of magic as we wait to see if the invisible realm will bring our wish to life. This opening is a beautiful gesture in and of itself, regardless of the outcome. We place ourselves in a magical mind, and this mind is arguably as wonderful as the fulfillment of our wish itself.

In our straightforward, action-oriented society, we may tend to dismiss the power of this seemingly passive process, yet the power of a wish is well known, hence the cautionary phrase, “Be careful what you wish for.” If you have given up wishing in favor of more adult pursuits, you might want to bring its magic back into your life. The next time you see the first star of the evening, or find yourself in front of a birthday cake covered in flaming candles, give yourself the gift of the magical realm that you knew so well as a child—close your eyes, open your mind, and make your wish.

Flying High!


“Your arms are the messengers of your heart.” ~Gabrielle Roth, founder 5Rhythms.


“When we sense our shoulder girdle, its like sensing a delicate pair of wings supporting us from behind.” ~Debbie Rosas, co-founder Nia.

Let’s focus on our wings: shoulder girdle, arms, and hands, as we say HELLO to our beautiful Springtime, recognizing the majesty of our body!

“Having a healthy shoulder girdle means your arms and hands are securely anchored yet can hang loosely, making it possible for you to move your arms and hands freely through space. Increasing your understanding of the shoulder girdle will give you more power and grace!” ~Debbie Rosas

Join me this week, as we spread our wings, sensing the lightness and flexibility that it brings to our body, gaining somatic knowledge that will fly us through our day!

Flying high with love,  Adelle                 dragon_wings_by_mosquitone-d386i7k

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm                       Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am                                                                               All at The Synergy Studio!

Put your body in motion… PRANA

“Put your body in motion, and the psyche will heal itself.” ~Gabrielle Roth, founder of 5Rhythms

Good beautiful morning from Oklahoma my friends,

This last week has been full of emotional twists and turns. One of my oldest friends from kindergarten was tragically killed in an automobile accident on Wednesday. Friday morning, I got word that there was a gathering of my high school classmates to honor our friend that evening. Within two hours, I made reservations for a flight and a rental car, packed my bag, and was on my way to Oklahoma City, where I spent my childhood. The evening was a celebration of life, friends, memories and deep sadness.

Saturday morning before dawn, 100’s of people gathered on the Oklahoma River, training location for the US Olympic Rowing team, CcyWnkyUAAAWSFato honor our fallen friend with a “paddle-out” ceremony, a tradition that is followed by surfers as well as boat people, when they lose a comrade. As skiffs, rowboats, kayaks, and other boats went down the river, we walked in silence to the finish line, and watched the sunrise. It was a glorious day. Click here to see the ceremony

Breakfast with family and friends followed the ceremony, and Saturday evening was spent in hours of side-splitting laughter as two of my daughter-in-laws, one of my best friends, and I sat around the dinner table and told stories about our childhood.

This morning, a spouse who had retired early asked what we were laughing so hard about, and all we could say was ‘sex, drugs and rock & roll.’ Laughter is so

As I prepare to return home to San Antonio this evening, I am reflecting on my breath patterns throughout the last 5 days, breathing from emotions of deep grief, joy, sadness, surprise, elation, exhaustion… the list goes on. I am deeply grateful for every breath and how the simple, conscious movement of breathing, combined with the awareness that all movement is a dance of life, has brought so much healing to my psyche.

Join me in the coming week to celebrate life, breath, and dance, as we move our life force energy, our PRANA.

Home later today, in anticipation of another beautiful week… Adelle

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm               Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am                                                                                           Yoga, Slow Flow: Sunday 8:45am

“Move with your breath, and breathe with your moves.” ~Adam Barley, 5Rhythms master teacher, coming to The Synergy Studio April 29-May 1.

Breath and Movement™ at The Synergy Studio, April 8-10.



Move your Magical, Mysterious, Mystical Column!

Nia Logo (Black Text, Transparent Background)
Nia: A lifestyle practice that can be experienced at any age. Nia keeps us flexible, agile, strong, and healthy. Nia combines 9 movement forms, 52 moves, 7 cycles, and 5 sensations, to create a practice that everyBODY can do forever.
Why do we hesitate? Why do we let days go by without moving, dancing, rolling on the floor?
Bring your spirit to class this week, and fly with potential and possibilities, as we dance our magical, mysterious, mystical column. Dancing Nia will open the doors to a life of health for this amazing structure that holds our life-force energy.
Read 9 fascinating facts below about the spine, and I’ll see you in class! 
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, and Fun Friday 5:30 pm
With deep love, Adelle

1. Both giraffes and humans have seven vertebrae in their necks.

2. As babies, we have 33 vertebrae but as adults we end up with 26. What happens to the 9 remaining bones? Four of them will fuse to make our tailbone and five fuse to make the back of the pelvis.

3. The spinal column has 3 very important functions – it supports the body’s weight, provides flexibility for movement, protects nerve roots and fibers and forms a protective surrounding for the spinal cord– the main pathway of communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

4. The first set of vertebrae (the cervical vertebrae found in the neck) are also called the Atlas. Atlas is a character from Greek mythology who, after losing a fight, was turned to stone and had to carry the weight of the Earth and the Heavens on his shoulders. The cervical vertebrae were also given this name as they carry the weight of the head.

5. The biggest cause of disability in the working population is attributed to spinal disorders.

6. The spine contains over 120 muscles, 220 ligaments and over 100joints.

7. One quarter of the spine’s length is made up from cartilage.

8. Since cartilage discs expand in the absence of gravity, astronauts returning from space may be 1.5 to 2 inches taller than when they left. Gravity’s effect on cartilage is also the cause of humans shrinking between a quarter of an inch and five inches every decade after the age of 40. It also means we are generally taller in the morning than at night because of the daily effect of gravity on the body.

9. The spine is so flexible it can bend far enough to form two thirds of a circle.

WOW… Magical, Mysterious, Mystical Column… get ready to move it!

How do you experience Joy?

Nia! A Joy-filled experience of living in your body, connected to sensation moment to moment!

Nia! A Joy-filled experience of living in your body, connected to sensation moment to moment!

Take a breath, Smell the Moment, and say “AHHHH! Joy!”

As I was driving to the studio yesterday to take Christi Messer’s Pilates class, I noticed how my head and eyes were moving around, looking at the beauty of the landscape, the signs on the street, the people walking. The movement of my head and eyes? Joy.

As I stepped out of my car, and walked through the door, I sensed my joints opening and closing, oiling all the stiffness out in preparation for class. The movement of my joints? Joy.

With her amazing knowledge of anatomy, Christi instructed us in class to engage certain muscles for improved posture. The movement of my muscles? Joy.

In Nia, we experience Joy as a physical sensation, which encourages us to embrace our body and life, and move in ways to experience Joy and pleasure. Joy of Movement (JOM), the 1st Principle of Nia, is a physical sensation experienced through our body. Our body is the source of JOM. To experience JOM, we simply need to consciously choose to sense Joy- and it is there!

The Body is designed to move. YOUR Body LOVES to move. The BIG J… Joy of Movement. 🙂

This week is a JOY-filled week, as Joanie and I introduce the new Nia routine named JOY! JOY, created by Ann Christiansen, Nia‘s Master Trainer, is a magical routine, filled with life and love, and FUNtastic music. Join us in classes and in a Nia Playshop, where you can learn the moves of the routine.

Check out the JOY picture that I took at our recent Nia Trainer’s Summit in Portland.

Nia Trainer's living their Joy!

Nia Trainer’s living their Joy!

I added the Nia logo, and posted it on Facebook. It has been shared all over the world. Note the Joy that is expressed in each face, and in the hug of our Nia male trainers in the background. We had just arrived, preparing for a week filled to the brim with Joy!

There is also a link at the bottom to a short YouTube video of Ann Christiansen, Joanie and me in Portland. A short clip from Ann to YOU, about JOY!

See YOU my Joy-filled friend on the dance floor!

Dancing with Joy, Adelle

  • This week at The Synergy Studio!
  • Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Sprinkling bits of JOY routine in our dance!
  • Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am, Body/Emotions/Mind/Spirit Joy filled to the brim!
  • Friday at 5:30 pm:  Team-teaching JOY routine with Joanie
  • Saturday at 9:30 am:  Team-teaching JOY routine with Joanie
  • Sunday at 2:30:  Nia Playshop – Learn the Moves of JOY.  Register HERE!!  It includes the 4:00 pm class.
  • Sunday at 4:00 pm:  Team-
  • teaching JOY with many of your favorite Nia teachers!!!  It’s a JOY Nia jam!

Link to YouTube Video of Ann speaking to YOU! Click here:

“Take off your shoes, please!”

My feet

I was a free spirit, a wild child, from birth. My mother would dress me up and less than a minute later, I was outside in the mud, with my shoes off. When I was a teenager, she would laugh and roll her eyes, as I ran out the door in the dead of winter, snow on the ground, with my shoes in my hands.
I LOVE to take off my shoes!

Now, living in Texas, with hardwood floors, I LOVE walking barefoot all day in my house. When you visit, you will see a pile of shoes by all the doors, and hear an invitation from me to take your shoes off.

Nia is a barefoot practice. We can make it a daily ‘practice’ to be barefoot, and enJoy the many benefits, from strengthening our feet and arches, to sensing where we are all the time through thousands of proprioceptors.function

And guess what? Science now says to take your shoes off for better health!

Read on and join in a Nia class soon. Your feet will LOVE you!

Scientists and Taking Your Shoes Off!

Endings, New Beginnings


Happy 2016 friends!

As we begin a new year, we can reflect on all the wonderful endings that have catapulted us forward to new beginnings. At The Synergy Studio, we are calling 2016: Year of New Beginnings.

In class, I like to say every breath is a new beginning… a new opportunity to begin again. Every step we make in life represents new potential to do something different. To take inspiration from the most ordinary, and realize the extraordinary.

Bring your feet to class this week, taking the next step into your potential, your greatness, your health. We will focus on our feet, the hands that touch the earth, as we recognize the uniqueness in every heal lead that dances us into life.

AO, Alpha Omega, Beginning/Ending, and then… New Beginnings!

I am teaching two Yoga classes tomorrow, Sunday, at 8:45am and 5:30pm. I hope you will make the step into these Slow Flow Yoga classes that Joanie and I are teaching weekly on Sundays. 🙂

See you this week!
Step in…. love, Adelle

Nia: Sunday (tomorrow) 4:00pm, Tuesday, 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm
Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am
Slow Flow Yoga: Sunday (tomorrow) 8:45am, 5:30pm

All at The Synergy Studio! Check out our beautiful new website!

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The Ripple Effect

My fist attempt to capture water drops.

I’ve been reflecting often on this very concept. What I do moment to moment, on a daily basis is a choice, and how my choices and decisions affect the world. Read on…
“The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make affect the whole.

In a world of six billion people, it’s easy to believe that the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others. As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward. The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make can have far-reaching consequences. You can use the ripple effect to make a positive difference and spread waves of kindness that will wash over the world.

Should the opportunity arise, the recipient of a good deed will likely feel compelled to do a good deed for someone else. Someone feeling the effects of negative energy will be more likely to pass on that negative energy. One act of charity, one thoughtful deed, or even one positive thought can pass from individual to individual, snowballing until it becomes a group movement or the ray of hope that saves someone’s life. Every transformation, just like every ripple, has a point of origin. You must believe in your ability to be that point of origin if you want to use the ripples you create to spread goodness. Consider the effect of your thoughts and actions, and try to act graciously as much as possible.

A smile directed at a stranger, a compliment given to a friend, an attitude of laughter, or a thoughtful gesture can send ripples that spread among your loved ones and associates, out into your community, and finally throughout the world. You have the power to touch the lives of everyone you come into contact with and everyone those people come into contact with. The momentum of your influence will grow as your ripples moves onward and outward. One of those ripples could become a tidal wave of love and kindness.” ~ Madisyn Taylor, Daily Om

Ripple Effect

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