Author: adellebrewer

Take a Deep Breath! Prana!

Just Breathe

Happy Holidays Nia Friends!

This week is about noticing the breath…

When your breath is deep, steady, and rhythmic, do you feel strong, calm, energized? When your breath is shallow, nervous, erratic or rapid, do you feel weak, uneasy, stressed?

By being aware of our breath as we dance through our day, we can relax, slow down, and bring ourselves into the present moment. Breath is our life force and has the power to heal us by simply doing what our body is designed to do.

Take a deep breath right now, and as you exhale sense how your shoulders and jaw slowly release. Take another deep breath, and exhale using sound… ‘u’… ‘o’… ‘e’… ‘a’… ‘i’… What do you sense in your body? Is your mind more clear? Your pulse more quiet?

Our breath is a wonderful tool we have available to us all the time… a tool that can still our mind, relax our body, and quiet our emotions.

Get ready for Prana! We will focus on our Breath this week in class. I will be cueing with my breath, so you can connect deeply to the wonderful music, the movement of your body, and then sense the magic that unfolds.

Bring your body to class… your breath will come along too!

Love! Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Slow Flow Yoga: Sunday 5:30pm


Don’t Stop Dancing! A GREAT week coming to The Synergy Studio!

Woo Hoo! Get ready for a wonder-filled week at The Synergy Studio!

Debbie Rosas Laughing

The Synergy Studio is welcoming 56 Nia teachers from all over the world later this week. Friday evening begins the “Nia Moving to Heal’ training with Nia creator Debbie Rosas, 5 Nia Trainers, and 50 other Nia instructors from across the US, Canada, and Germany. We are thrilled, honored and extremely excited to share our beautiful community, studio, and city with these amazing people.

We are offering 2 public classes during the training. With only a few spots left, please sign up now to hold your place. Friday evening, a Nia “Moving to Heal’ in a chair class will be taught at 5:30pm. Join us to experience Nia as its taught to people who have limitations. Nia for everyBODY!


Sunday evening at 5:30 pm, Debbie Rosas, founder of Nia, is teaching her new routine Grateful, due for release in early 2016. Again, click here and sign up now, under ‘workshops and events’ on the schedule page to hold your spot! 
The public classes are $20/per class.

Note: The regular Friday evening 5:30pm, Saturday 9:30am, and Sunday 4:00pm Nia classes are cancelled, due to the training.

Join me in my regular classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, to celebrate your dance, ‘Dancing Through Life,’ as we recognize all movement as a dance. Classic Nia Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, and Nia FreeDance Thursday 9:15am.

This little ditty came to me as an email this morning from The Universe! PERFECT!
Life is like a dance, and we’re partners. Setbacks, delays, and detours? They’re like steps in the mambo, tango, and cha-cha. If you dissected the movements and saw them without the rest of the dance, everyone would look to be in great pain. But when you see the big picture… poetry in motion.

In life, setbacks, delays, and detours are often just my way of “keeping” you for something way better. Don’t let them discourage you, don’t see them out of context, and whatever you do, don’t stop dancing.

Your most able choreographer,
The Universe

I will see YOU on the dance floor this week!
Love, Adelle

Balance. What not to love?!

balance rocks

What does it mean to be balanced?

I’ve explored this answer my entire life. I was a child who wanted to do EVERYTHING, and it carried over into my adulthood. The desire to do anything and everything meant that there was a constant push/pull with time, and balance.

It was through my practice of Nia, and Transformational Breath® that the statement ‘time is an illusion’ became reality. I realized that I always have enough time… especially when it comes to being balanced.

‘The Body Demands Balance’… one of the Nia 5 Principles of The Body’s Way. Hmmm…

The principle means that my body is available all the time to tell me what is in balance, and what needs more attention. My body is perfect in its design, balanced left/right, up/down, in/out…  two of almost everything, and if there is one (heart) it is balanced by another (liver.) All I have to do is realize that my body is my guide moment to moment, and if I listen, it will tell me where I need more balance.

As a mother of four, and owner of The Synergy Studio, there have been many moments when I didn’t listen to my body, and things got out of sorts. I crammed as much as I could in one day, making sure everyone was taken care of, the studio was running smoothly, and I was filling every moment with ‘something.’ I forgot about a very important item… myself.

Through the years, many experiences, and observing how others do it, I have learned to balance my time, my energy, keeping my body, mind and spirit in alignment. Ahhhh! Its a great feeling.

Two of my most admired ‘heros’ of Balance are my daughter, Louisa Brewer, and Debbie Rosas, co-creator of Nia. After graduating from college, Louisa took a year and traveled abroad to work as an au pair, feeding her desire for adventure. After returning home, she accepted a job in an arts organization, only to discover that her talents were being stifled with busy-work, so what did she do? She gave her notice and started an art school and design studio, listening to her heart and following her passion. THAT is Balance. Oil and Clay Studio

I watch Debbie with admiration every time I am with her. Her ability to orchestrate so many people and personalities in the office, write her amazing books, teach classes and trainings, and always find time to nurture herself is true Balance in action.

Let’s play with Balance in class this week, and notice without judgement where we need to tweak what we do… to create more.

Joanie and I just completed the 1st weekend of a split weekend Nia white belt training with 4 amazing beings of light from our San Antonio community.  They are diving into 13 principles focused on body-centered awareness that teaches somatic skills for connecting to one’s body and life.  We continue this Friday, with graduation day on November 1.  I hope you can come and dance with us and our trainees as they step into their greatness and walk the path of the Sacred Athlete!

LOVE! Adelle

Nia classes this week at The Synergy Studio:  
Tuesday 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, and                                               Thursday 9:15 am Nia FreeDance:  Focus on Balance!
Friday (Nia White Belt training continues) at 5:30 pm teaching with Joanie:  Focus on Nia Principle #10, X-Ray Anatomy. (Balance is there too!)
Saturday at 9:30 am teaching with Joanie:  Focus on energizing the 52 moves of Nia.  A fun, fun, fun class!!  Wear a costume if you desire!! (and get Balanced!)
Sunday (Graduation Day)  at 4:00 pm teaching with Joanie:  Focus on Nia Principle #13, Sharing What You Sense. (and sense Balance!)


Move Out, Make Room, Celebrate!

Pearl Brewery Pic Est 1883

Beautiful day my friends!

This is a week of celebration, as The Synergy Studio welcomes our 10th year in The Pearl!

October 8, 2005, we moved from our previous location to The Pearl... wow! Reflect back on the change, the transformation, the fun! 🙂

What better way to celebrate then with dance, yoga, friends, and our greatest companion, our body?!!

Bring your body to the dance floor, and let’s celebrate in community! We will celebrate this week with some of our all -time favorite Nia routines, Agolo, Fantasia, Bliss and TraceVision. We will celebrate with Nia FreeDance. We will celebrate with Yoga! Yeah!

Angelique Kidjo

The name “Agolo” in the Fon language of Africa means “move out, make room” and announces the coming of spirit. Agolo, the song by the beautiful Angelique Kidjo, is a celebration of Mother Earth and our body. It is a song of hope, a call to the good powers of nature and to Aidohouedo, the great rainbow snake, the messenger of love and tenderness. 🙂

Let’s ‘move out, make room’ and celebrate abundance as we usher in the cool weather, and the beginning of our 10th year in The Pearl!

Pearl Can Recycling Plant pic

With deep gratitude and abundant love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm            Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am                                                                                    Slow Flow Yoga: Sunday 5:30pm

All at The Synergy Studio!Synergy logo with tag line

Adelle Brownlee Brewer

Owner, The Synergy Studio

Yoga of the Hands, Dance of the Heart

Welcome to a beautiful week in San Antonio!

I LOVE when I sense the weather begin to change. 🙂

Life is about change and the freedom to choose something different.

I’ve been examining my day to day ‘reactions’ to different situations, and making conscious choices to ‘respond’ in a different way. By noticing the familiar feeling when it arises in my body, taking a few deep breaths, and changing my reaction to a thoughtful response, the energy shifts and I’m aware of an expansive sensation in my cells.

Its pretty wonderful, I must say. 🙂

Joanie and I have a new offering that starts this week! As one of the Yoga teacher at the studio is leaving for a job opportunity in Austin, we will be alternate teaching a Hatha Yoga Flow class on Sunday afternoons at 5:30, following our 4:00 Nia class. This class will be a great opportunity to consciously add Yoga to your Nia practice and enhance the sensations of strength, flexibility, and stability. We are very excited!

Bring your hands and your dancing heart this week to the studio, as we focus on the freedom to choose something different. Using the Lotus Hand Mudra, combined with breath, we will shed the light of awareness on our choices moment to moment, responding with love, enhancing the expanded sensation in our cells.

Yummy, yummy, delicious!

Love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia-Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Nia FREEDANCE Thursday 9:15am, Fun Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm, and Hatha Yoga Flow Sunday 5:30pm

Lotus Mudra

The very center of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on earth.


Strength, Prosperity, Well-being… Labor Day!


Celebrate work, Celebrate play!

Labor Day is a “holiday dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.” ~

I love the description of Labor Day. ‘Strength, Prosperity, Well-Being’ A perfect triad for Nia, a life-style practice that keeps on giving, day after day, class after class.

Let’s make every day a Labor Day!

Join me this week as we play with the sensations of strength and flexibility, energy in and energy out. When we pump the muscles in our body, mind, emotions and spirit, we create prosperity and well-being for our life.

The pumping sensation of our muscles keeps us strong, powerful, and also allows us to release and let go. It is the in and out motion that brings us well-being, and keeps us ready for each amazing day.

Join me this week, as we play with in/out, contraction/extension, strength/flexibility.

Classic Nia Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, and Nia FREEDANCE Thursday 9:15am

And join Angie and me Thursday evening from 6:45-8:45 for an Amazing JourneyDance™ of Manifestation! We will create manifestation boards, and dance a fantastic manifestation dance. Afterwards, we hope you will join us for dinner somewhere in The Pearl.A night of fun, friendship and movement! 🙂

See you very soon!

Love, Adelle


Announcing the launch of Nia FreeDance!


Nia FreeDance!

Last weekend, I was thrilled to be a part of the training staff for Nia FREEDANCE, a new class that Nia is launching, and I’m sooo excited to bring it to the studio starting in September!

I will be adding Nia FREEDANCE on Thursdays at 9:15am. My first class will be Thursday, September 3rd, 9:15am.

Mark your calendars, and join me for this GREAT new addition to the wonderful practice we call Nia. Below is a description of the Nia FREEDANCE class. Wear comfortable clothes and bring an open mind, ready to explore!

Below is a description of the new class.

I love you all so much, Adelle


Nia FREEDANCE, the class, is designed to help people move freely and expressively, bringing them closer to the source of their authentic dance where their spirit, body, mind, and emotions unite to create an artful movement experience.

Nia FREEDANCE is unique; different from a Classic Nia Class with Routine Choreography. This is an “open” class intended for the participant to Move|Explore|Create through FreeDance to the Music and Movement of 4 Stages, 7 Cycles and 5 Sensations!


A more detailed description about Nia FREEDANCE,

Nia’s contribution to the Conscious Dance Community . . .

FREEDANCE is a barefoot 60-minute conscious dance movement class designed to awaken the movement artist within, and to stimulate the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The result is the art of movement creativity. Students are guided to explore their own movement, and to dance in their own way, and in their own time to soul-stirring music, eclectic sonic landscapes that provide cellular resonance to evoke self-expression, and to unleash movement creativity via the art and integration of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Facilitated by a Nia teacher, 4 parts, with a unique focus and intent support students in creating a body of work in each class: the art. This class is open to all levels. No experience necessary.



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