Art of Balance. Love. Miracles.


bal*ance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in correct proportions.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a great need for balance in the world. It IMG_94BE03-68DEE9-E0D79C-5B161A-FDB23D-80CA36seems lop-sided. More yang then yin. We need to soften, trust, and let creative flow happen. We need love. We need to recognize the Miracles that happen everyday, every moment, with every breath.

In achieving optimal health, we refer to bringing the body into homeostasis, equal balance of energy inside and out. We sense this in subtle ways when we roll on the floor in embryonic, use both left and right sides of the body to begin a sequence, reach high and dive low, play with flexibility and strength, mobility and agility… to name a few. Our body thrives when we equalize the alkalinity and acidity within, in response to changes in external conditions (such as the hot weather we’ve been experiencing!) This equalization is bringing the body into homeostasis… Balance.

This week we will focus on Balance. One of principles of the body… The Body Demands Balance… is demonstrated in its amazing design. Think of all the pairs in your body’s structure!

There is a beautiful hand mudra that helps bring balance to the body.  Matangi mudra is sometimes referred to as the miracle mudra in India. It strengthens the respiratory rhythm and the energy balance around the solar plexus. Practice it as needed for 5 minutes to

Matangi Mudra Picrelieve restless legs and a wandering mind. It also strengthens the digestive organs- stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas, and kidneys.

Try it on, whether in a Nia class, or one of the many Yoga classes that the studio offers. I am teaching a lot of classes this week, both Nia and Yoga.


Treat yourself to a ‘daily dance’, and practice the Art of Balance with me!

I found the email focus below from over a year ago, right after we lost our house in Wimberley. It has been rebuilt, blessed with lots of hard work, love, and yes… Wimberley herself is a Miracle of beauty. photo-2B4

Deep, deep love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Yoga: Thursday 12:00, Sunday 8:45am


Read on…

Dear wonderful Friends,

Thank you to so many who have expressed their concern about my family and our place in Wimberley. I am filled with gratitude that my family evacuated before the photo-2B5house was overcome with the power of Mother Nature and the mighty Blanco River. Our hearts go out to the many families who are facing life without a home, and in some cases, without those they love. The loss in beautiful Wimberley, Texas, is immense.

It is reported that the landscape of the Blanco River changed in one hour, as the river swelled 40 feet with the power of 2 1/2 times Niagara Falls. Homes carried away, 500 year old trees uprooted. THAT is one powerful force of nature.

I am humbled by the outpouring of so many people, complete strangers in many cases, who have stepped in to help others. Wimberley is in action, cleaning up, even with the increased likelihood of more rain.

Life is truly a miracle. We can talk about it in an existential way, yet when change happens in nano-seconds, the appreciation grows

Join me on the dance floor this week. Let’s dance the beautiful routine Miracle, saying Thank You for each moment, for our body, for life.

I love you all, Adelle


Expansion, Creation, Fibonacci!

Dear dancing friends,


Joanie and I just returned from an amazing, fun, and expansive weekend in Colorado, teaching Nia FreeDance in three cities, with three communities. After flying into Denver on Friday, we taught an evening class at iBody, a Saturday morning class in Boulder at Joy in Motion and a Sunday afternoon class in Colorado Springs at the Briargate YMCA.

My creative juices are on fire, and the opportunities to spread the love of movement are stronger than ever.

Have you heard of the Fibonacci sequence? The Fibonacci sequence is the mathematical equation that is constantly expanding… infinite. Starting with 0,  then 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . .

The Fibonacci sequence is named after the late 11th century Italian mathematician Fibonacci-2Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. He introduced the sequence to the West, but guess what? It was present from time eternal.

The Fibonacci sequence appears everywhere in our natural world. Nia Principle #2, Natural Time, at its most poignant. It is coded in the world’s DNA, including yours.

What does that mean to you and me? It means that life has infinite possibilities and fibonaccipotential, if we just get out of the way, and let our body, emotions, mind and spirit have the space to expand. There are multiple ways to reach our goals, our dreams, and our visions. Are you on board?

Let’s start with the 0… the one point… the physical center of the body… and say ‘I Am’… ‘So Hum’… next, put it into motion by saying, ‘Now I Am’. What do you want more of in your life? What do you wish for your family? Your friends? The world? Take a Breath… it starts there. Now I Am Breathing… Now I Am Grateful… Now I Am Abundant… Now I Am Love… Now I Am Authentically Me.

Join me this week as we continue to expand and grow my new routine Breath, that I Fibonacci-Sequencewill be filming for Nia HQ in September. Three songs have been replaced. I’ve received amazing feedback from the community here, as well as trainers and friends in other communities.

Let’s grow this lifestyle practice together, expanding our Fibonacci spiral wider and wider. It is coded in our DNA. We were born to dance. It is our birthright, and the birthright of everyBody.  Bring friends… let’s dance… let’s Breathe!

Check out the beautiful Fibonacci sequences in our natural world throughout this ln44yblog. Look and see them all around you!

Deep love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Can you

Our Nia FreeDance class in Boulder!



Body, Emotion, Mind, Spirit… Are You Ready?


Are you ready to let go, and let it flow? Nia FreeDanceJoanie.AdelleV1 (1)

The world is moving with a lot of chaos energy right now, and chaos is the catalyst for creativity. Making a difference… Being the change… Shapeshifting the world energy… It begins within each one of us.

When we make choices from the place of love, the energy shifts.

Want to join in the movement of love?

Let’s start on the dance floor, moving with our body, our emotion, our mind and our spirit… moving with the energy of love and sending it out to the world.

Shape-shift. Let’s go!                                                                                                                See YOU today, Thursday, July 21 for Nia FreeDance at The Synergy Studio. 9:15 am.

Denver! Joanie and I will see you Friday evening at iBody,  6:00 pm.

Boulder! We will see you Saturday morning at Joy in Motion, 10:30 am.

Colorado Springs! We will see you Sunday afternoon at Briargate YMCA, 2:00 pm.

Join the love movement!                                                                                                       Now I Am… Love.

See you on the dance floor of life… Adelle

What is Yoga to you?

Happy Monday my friends!

In the last 5 days, I have been filled up with new knowledge on my journey to YogaFit Level 4 TTbecome a Yoga 200-hour certified teacher. Joanie, Ananda and I traveled to Scottsdale, AZ to experience an amazing advanced Level 4 training with YogaFit, a remarkable organization. Our trainer was over-the-top knowledgeable, open and receptive as we studied the ancient wisdom of Yoga philosophy and lifestyle. Diving into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and learning the Language of Yoga was humbling and awe inspiring. We sang, danced, and shared. My understanding and love of Yoga has grown exponentially! Like Nia, the practice of Yoga provides a lifetime of learning about oneself.

Yoga is one of the movement forms of Nia. Noticing the alignment of our bones, noticing the sensations of flexibility, stability and strength in our bodies, connecting to breath and sound, and ultimately connecting to our essence.

We will focus on this ancient movement form this week in Nia classes. I will also be teaching the  8:45 am Slow Flow Yoga class on Sunday morning. AND… beginning in August, Joanie and I will be teaching the Thursday Yoga for Lunch class at noon, alternating weeks. 🙂

My hope is that you add more Yoga into your lifestyle. This ancient practice that incorporates the whole being has been around for 1000’s of years. There is so much to be learned in this lifetime!

If you have played with the idea of going deeper into understanding yoga, we have a fantastic school that starts in September. Read more about it here. We have a Free Vinyasa Yoga class and information session, coming this Saturday at 11:00. You can ask questions and learn more about our amazing school. Sign up for the free class here. 

See you at the studio!

With love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday, 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, Friday 5:30 pm, Sunday 4:00 pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday, 9:15 am

Yoga Slow Flow: Sunday, 8:45 am… all at The Synergy Studio!

PS… we had FUN too! Imagine that! 🙂 Adelle, Joanie and Ananda AZ

Adelle, Ananda and Joanie enJOYing some pool time after graduation! 🙂

Form and Freedom! Metaphor for Life

unnamed unnamed-1

Nia Friends,

This last weekend was magical, as 15 people from San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Pennsylvania, and Canada shared the Nia FreeDance Training experience with Joanie and me. It was an amazing and very fun two days.  Every training and class I teach fills me with new knowledge, awareness and gratitude for this transformational practice.

We use Form in Nia as a foundation for Freedom and we use Freedom as a container for FormForm guides us into spaces of Freedom and Freedom guides us into new spaces of Form.  Opposing dynamics bring thousands of possibilities from a creative point of view.

Form:  52 Moves, 13 Principles, 7 Cycles, 5 Sensations… etc
Freedom: FreeDance, Natural Time, 13 Joint Warm-up, Movement variety… etc.

Nia provides us with many metaphors that can help us reflect and grow in our lives!  I look forward to dancing with you this week!
With love of movement,

Classes at The Synergy Studio:

Classic Nia: Tuesday 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, Fun Friday 5:30 pm

Thursday Nia FreeDance, 9:15 am

PULSE, Nia FreeDance, and LOVE!


Dear Friends,

I’m PULSEing love your way today!  This past weekend we had a wonderful experience with Nia teachers and students dancing and learning the new Nia routine called PULSE.  It is a very fun routine that focuses on the energy sensations of the 9 movement forms of Nia.

Martial Arts:

  • Tai Chi…Slow dance

  • Tae Kwo…Dance of precision

  • Aikido…Dance of harmonious, spherical motion

Dance Arts:

  • Jazz…Dance of fun, showmanship and expression

  • Modern Dance…Dance of shapes in space

  • Duncan Dance…Dance of free-spirited, honest movement

Healing Arts:

  • Work of Moshe Feldenkrais… Dance of conscious awareness of sensation

  • Alexander Technique…Dance of movement from the top

  • Yoga…Dance of conscience alignment of bones and joints

Each art is a new sensation and a new way to heal.


Join me Tuesday 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, and Friday 5:30 pm at The Synergy Studio as we PULSE love and dance these unique personalities and sensations!

And join both Joanie and me Thursday 9:15 am for a special Nia FreeDance class, in anticipation of our Nia FreeDance training this coming weekend!

Nia FreeDanceJoanie.AdelleV1 (1)

The weekend is open to everybody… those who are belts, as well as those curious to go deeper into a Nia weekend experience. Read more here!

If you choose to teach, Nia FreeDance training will provide you with the knowledge and skills to successfully engage dancers in a blend of structured and unstructured movement. Founded on the eight-stages of FreeDance, and on the synergistic combination of music, movement, and magic, you will learn how to craft and guide a Nia FreeDance class.

Register for the weekend here!

Nia FreeDance!

AND…  Join us for public Nia FreeDance classes!!

Saturday, June 25 at 9:30 am

Sunday, June 26 at 10:30 am
(Please note the 4:00 pm Nia class is cancelled on this day)

You Have Your Back!


Many English idioms mention the back, usually highlighting it as an area of vulnerability; one must “watch one’s back”, or one may end up “with one’s back up against the wall”; worse yet, someone may “stab one in the back”, but hopefully a friend “has got one’s back”. The back is also a symbol of strength and hard work, with those seeking physical labor looking for “strong backs”, and workers being implored to “put their back into it”.

How often do you put your attention, your focus, on your back?

By sensing the length, width and depth of our back, we bring awareness to how we stand, how we hold our shoulders, how we engage the muscles to dance us through our day. With awareness, we can move the 26 vertebrae separate yet connected, like a beautiful serpent. We can engage the muscles of the lower trapezius to draw our shoulders down, and make us taller. We can reach all directions with our arms, hands, and fingers to energize both the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the entire back of our body.

And guess what? Our back not only loves the attention, but it also gains strength, flexibility, mobility and stability!

Who has your back? YOU DO! Bring the affirmation, “I love my back,”… the energy will follow. 🙂

See you in class this week! Adelle

Nia: Tuesday, 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday, 9:15am

Joanie and I have a GREAT Nia White Belt training coming up June 3-9th! Jump in now for the sale (until May 31st). Nia FreeDance training is coming June 25, 26! 🙂

Fiesta Friday and Fun 5Rhythms Friday!

Alert, Alert Friends!

Back to back GREAT Fridays are here. 

This Friday, at 5:30pm, I will be filming my new routine Breath, and sending it to Nia HQ for the initial review. I would love to have you there, and also get your feedback. I am in the loose stages of choreographing Breath, which focuses on the breath, bringing awareness to the 9 Movement Forms of Nia, and how the breath changes when we activate the different movements. It has GREAT music, with lots of fun infused throughout. Come play after the parade for this special Fiesta Friday class. The camera will be focused on mfeature-1e, but I need YOU! 🙂

It is also Earth Day, a day dedicated to recognizing life, protecting our beautiful Earth, and celebrating community. PERFECT. 

And NEXT Friday, April 29, we have the beginning of a VERY SPECIAL weekend at The Synergy Studio. Adam Barley, master teacher of the 5Rhythms, will be with us for an introductory weekend to this amazing movement modality that influenced Nia in its beginning stages. Adam is offering a FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY option! Friday, April 29, 5:00-7:30 pm.


Advance registration is $35 for Friday evening, and $45 at the door. During the 2 1/2 hours, you will experience a 5Rhythms class, do some fun diving into understanding more with experiential movement, and get to hear Adam talk about the 5Rhythms, that was founded by the late Gabriel Roth, author, musician, dancer, and inspirational teacher. 135919-135871

Adam is traveling from the UK for our event, where he resides. You will love his accent, his honest, forthright speaking style, and his extraordinary ability to inspire Adam Barleyothers to dive deep into the experience of their body and the 5Rhythms.

Click here to sign up for Friday night, or the entire weekend! There is still room, and we would LOVE to have you join us. 

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!



Now I Am Playing! EveryBODY is a Fiesta!

Hello Friends!4b25e405c6c0aea109e4796f329d48da

We are enJoying a wet and cool Fiesta week in San Antonio, a week of play and merriment that encompasses 10 days. I love living in this amazing city that celebrates life, family, friends, and fun.

Looking ahead, I WILL be teaching my Fun Friday Fiesta class at 5:30. The roads will open at 3:00, and so will parking spaces. Keep the parade merriment going and come dance with us!

In this week of playful fun, I invite you to notice when you let go and play… in silliness, merriment, and laughter. Join us in class, and bring your ‘Now I Am’ affirmation to play and set it in motion.SAfiesta1

I will be playing with my new routine Breath this week, as I craft, tweak and have fun with YOU, preparing for the filming later this year. I welcome all feedback!

Now I Am… Letting Go! 🙂

Millions join the annual Fiesta celebration in San Antonio, Texas April 18-28.  (PRNewsFoto/City of San Antonio)

Love, Adelle

Nia at The Synergy Studio: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

Nia FreeDance at The Synergy Studio: Thursday 9:15am

Nia at RIIM Fitness: Friday 8:30am

Now I Am…

unnamed-1Breathing! Now I Am… Creating!

Welcome to another beautiful week in San Antonio, full of rain, clean air and amazing colors.

Speaking of amazing… we had an AMAZING experience this last weekend, with Breath and Movement™, at The Synergy Studio. Eight breathers, movers and shakers came together, along with my fellow trainer Faith Duncan, to experience their breath in a way that most had not before. We had a blast! I will be offering this weekend again in the Fall, so look for it. 🙂

Every time I facilitate a Transformational Breath® session for a private client, a monthly breathing group, a weekend, or a full week training, I am reminded of one of my passions… teaching about health, wellness, and movement, and how our life force energy, our breath, carries us through with grace and ease.

We worked with affirmations before every breath session, setting in motion positive energy for transformation. Now I Am___

The connection to Nia, and the affirmation Now I Am, is palpable. Nia and her philosophy of finding health through movement and breath is experienced in every class. I LOVE MY JOB! 🙂

Another dream is manifesting, as I am creating a Nia routine combining my love of breath with my love of movement. The switch has been turned on and my creative juices are flying. I am anticipating filming the routine at the end of my yearly trek to Portland, visiting with Ann and experiencing the Nia Black Belt and the magic of many dancers. Guess what? We have 4 (at least) traveling this year from our community to do their Black Belt! Yipppeeee!

I want YOU, my community, to take part in my dream. Join me this week, as I play with some katas for the new routine, Breath. This is an organic process, and I’m excited to include all of you in the creation, listening to suggestions and feedback. Now I Am… breathing and creating with YOU.

See you soon!

Love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Slow Flow Yoga: Sunday 8:45am


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