I have been having conversations with others and writing for months about being love… that we are love. I believe its the most important message that we can hear… and receive… and live.
I was talking with a dear friend the other day about the word ‘selfish.’ I said, “Not loving yourself, and not sharing your gifts, yourSELF, with the world, is selfish. Shine your light… you are love… share it! Selfishness comes from a lack of self-love.”
I feel so passionate about this message… a message that the world needs to hear… that we are and it is all love.
As so often happens in my life… I am finishing the book “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani, a true story about Anita”s near death experience that is truly phenomenal. She was lying shriveled in a hospital, in a coma, completed riddled with cancer, when she ‘died’ yet held onto life with tubes attached. During that 24 hours, she received an amazing message of purpose, potential and possibility from spirit. Miraculously, she returned, and within weeks was completely clear of all cancer. Her story is remarkable!
When I read her words starting on page 139, I felt my entire being light up with “YES!” Her words reflect what I have been conversing and writing about.
I have transcribed her words from the book below. Amazing affirmative words.
Read on, and reflect on the message. It is the most important message we can all hear… and receive… and live.
“In the NDE state, I realized that the entire universe is composed of unconditional love, and I’m an expression of this. Every atom, molecule, quark, and tetra quark, is made of love. I can be nothing else, because this is my essence and the nature of the entire universe. Even things that seem negative are all part of the infinite, unconditional spectrum of love, In fact, Universal life-force energy is love, and I’m composed of Universal energy! Realizing this made me understand that I didn’t have to try to become someone else in order to be worthy. I already am all that I could attempt to be.
Similarly, when we know that we are love, we don’t need to work at being loving toward others. Instead, we just have to be true to ourselves, and we become instruments of loving energy, which touches everyone we come into contact with.
Being love also means being aware of the importance of nurturing my own soul, taking care of my own needs, and not putting myself last all the time. This allows me to be true to myself at all times and to treat myself with total respect and kindness. It also lets me view what may be interpreted as imperfections and mistakes with no judgement, seeing only opportunities to experience and to learn with unconditional love.
People ask me whether there’s such a thing as too much self-love. Where’s the line, they ask, where it starts to become selfish or egotistical? There is no such possibility. There is no line.
Selfishness comes from lack of self-love. Our planet is suffering from this, as we humans are, along with too much insecurity, judgement, and conditioning. In order to truly care for someone unconditionally, I have to feel that way toward myself. I can’t give away what I don’t have. To say that I hold another in higher regard than myself isn’t real and means I’m only performing.
When I’m being love, I don’t get drained, and I don’t need people to behave a certain way in order to feel cared for or to share my magnificence with them. They’re automatically getting my love as a result of me being my true self.
When we are each aware of our own magnificence, we don’t feel the need to control others, and we won’t allow ourselves to be controlled.
Realizing that I am love was the most important lesson I learned, allowing me to release all fear, and that the key that saved my life.” ~ from Dying to Be Me, by Anita Moorjani