Let Your Yoga Dance! Release and Renew

Dancers, Yogis, Yoginis… This is a GREAT week for you!

We have two incredible people coming to San Antonio next weekend. You can take one or more classes with them. Read on…

Many of you all remember Jurian Hughes, master Yoga and Dance teacher from Kripalu. She is returning with another fantastic master teacher from Kripalu, Jovinna Chan. Combined, they are dynamite, and loads of fun. They are master certified instructors in Yoga, Let Your Yoga Dance® and Soul Motion™. 
We are THRILLED to host them at the studio, so I hope you can join us for one or more classes. These classes are geared for everyBody… no experience necessary!  I am copying the information below. You can sign up online by clicking here. Go to ‘workshops and events.’

In honor of the upcoming weekend of Yoga, Dance and Fun, I am focusing my classes this week on Yoga, one of the nine movement forms of Nia. 
In Nia, we call Yoga ‘The Dance of Alignment.’ By aligning the bones, and focusing on stability, flexibility and strength, we keep our body, mind, and spirit balanced and ready for life!

Step out of your regular routine this coming weekend and join us for this amazing opportunity with Jurian and Jovinna!

I’ll see you on the dance floor…
With deep love, Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

More information on Jurian and Jovinna:

Dance Into Joy: Release and Renew with Let Your Yoga Dance® and Soul Motion™

With Jurian Hughes and Jovinna Chan

May 16-18, 2014

Fri pm 6:30 – 8:30 $35

Sat am: 10:30 – 12:30 $35

Sat pm: 2:30 – 4:30 $35

Sun am: 10:00 – 12:00 $35

Total for all classes, per session = $140. Special if you do all sessions: $120

Enter the Season of New Beginnings following the lead of your body and breath, in a sacred community of celebrants. From the whirling dervish to the Shakers, from the waltz to the rave, we dance for joy, cleansing, and clarity, guided by embodied wisdom that transcends the thinking brain. No dance experience is required – just a willingness to explore both ecstatic movement and deep stillness, and to draw on the strength of both practices to

• Get into your body fully

• Cleanse from your core through your pores

• Free and refresh the mind

• Rely on your body’s wisdom to inform your new direction

Through an alchemical combination of movement, relaxation, meditation and guided visualization you will gain clarity about where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. The weekend will culminate in a ritual celebration to release the old and on Sunday Morning a community blessing will affirm your re-energized relationship with yourself, 
your work, and your dharma.

Sacred dance is one of our most ancient transformative rituals. Come sweat, let go of 
the past, and make space for new life. 
Enter the Season of New Beginnings with a deep sense of renewal.

Jurian Hughes, E-RYT 500, MFA, is a Let Your Yoga Dance® Trainer, a Kripalu Yoga Teacher Trainer, and a senior faculty member at Kripalu Center in Stockbridge, MA. A graduate of Williams College and NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts Graduate Acting Program, with more than 50 professional theater credits on and off Broadway, Jurian leads workshops and trainings at Kripalu and throughout the country, which draw on her extensive experience in yoga, dance, movement, voice and theater. Known for her passionate, playful and inspiring teaching style, participants in her trainings have been known to report sudden surges of self-esteem, freedom and joy. Jurian is the creator of the DVD, Gentle Kripalu Yoga with Jurian Hughes and the CD, Deep and Delicious Yoga.
Jovinna Chan, ERYT-500, is a transformational leader and teacher of Yoga and Dance. Her sadhana began at a young age in Singapore when she started practicing yoga, dance and martial arts. Through her practice she cultivated an intimate understanding of the body through creative movement and expression. Jovinna is trained in Let Your Yoga Dance®, an ecstatic dance that brings alignment of the charkas, and is a trained transformational facilitator for the body of work, Soul Motion™, founded by master teacher Vinn Arjuna Marti. She is a Kripalu Yoga Teacher Trainer, Pranotthan Yoga Teacher Trainer and co-founder of Shakti Initiation.

Dance Through Life… National Dance Week! Yipppeeee!

Its National Dance Week! Yippeee!
Some of my favorite things to do…  walk my puppies, work out at the gym, listen to music while I’m cleaning… and guess what? I’m always dancing! It makes life so enJOYable, fresh and exciting when every moment is an opportunity to dance.
In Nia White Belt Principle #5, we talk about the practice of “Dancing Through Life.” Everything we do can be a dance of life. Grocery shopping, doing laundry, waiting in traffic *walking the pups, working out, cleaning the house*  Our body is always in motion! Moving our limbs, reaching out/drawing in, breathing in/out, even sitting and when asleep, we are in motion. And guess what?… everything is truly a Dance of Life. 
We are alive!
A quick story… I was walking my pups a few days ago, listening to the wonderful song “Happy”, dancing to the rhythm and singing at the top of my lungs. There were two young men on my street moving new neighbors in. They stopped working, and joined into my dance and song! We all laughed and then carried on with our movement.
Let’s get the whole world dancing! You are a teacher to everyone you come in contact with, a Sacred Athlete of life, so start dancing and feel the ripple effect. 🙂
Join me this week as we Dance Through Life on the dance floor… but don’t stop there! Take every opportunity in every moment to make it a dance… and give gratitude to your body… to your life.
You are ALIVE!
Dancing with love for you, Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm
Check out our fun video about the upcoming White Belt in June… and join us! 

Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening!

… truer words could not be spoken. 
Michael Beckwith sings these words in the new Nia routine U… “U U Uare the answer!… Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening!”

I hope you will join me this week, as we introduce the new routine U. Its fun, uplifting, and challenging in a wonderful way. The focus is ‘Base of the Body,’ and my base is feeling a little sore after our routine immersion all weekend!

Master Nia Trainer and my dear friend Ann Christiansen is the choreographer of U, and she has done a beautiful job of giving us new moves encased in simple katas. It is such a joy to present her work, after filming it in Portland. Once a year, I get to spend a few weeks with her when she is in the US teaching the Black Belt training, and it fills my heart to hear her voice and dance with her spirit every time I do this wonderful routine!

Our amazing Monthly Drum and Dance Circle is this Friday, after my class… an event not to be missed… and you don’t have to know how to drum! Join us!
AND… I have 2 places left for the Introduction to Transformational Breath® workshop this Saturday from 11:00-1:30. Sign up under workshops and events on the schedule page. It is amazing work!

See U on the dance floor.
Loving U U U!
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Fun Friday 5:30pm, Easter Sunday 4:00pm

Somatic Awakening… through thoughts… through words

Somatic Awakening… awakening the body through movement, awareness, love, divine grace, appreciation…

I just finished teaching our wonderful new offering at the studio, Somatic Awakening… a 45 minute class taught on Wednesdays at 6:45am. It is an amazing practice that combines 30+ years of teaching Nia, dance, art, yoga, breath, meditation, sounding, into a unique experience that awakens the body, mind, emotions and spirit, preparing to step into another day.

Today was about the Power of Touch, and all the ways that we touch and are touched… through our eyes, our skin, our breath, our sound, our movement… and through our thoughts and words.

Recognizing that 70% of our body is water, we can create beautiful crystalline droplets of light and grace in our cellular system by our thoughts and our words. Those crystals can then shine out, affecting those who we interact with during the day.
And they can shine even brighter, further, and beyond into the world.

Think about it… and say ‘Thank You’ to your body.
Gratitude is endless…

The Power of Touch

Open your arms wide… now cross them and reach around to your back… and give yourself a BIG hug. Hold it tight. Take a deep breath and breathe in the power of Touch.
We are sensation beings that respond to the power of Touch. We are touched every day… by sights, sounds, smells… by our clothing, the food in our mouth, the aroma of a yummy dinner cooking, the sight of a beautiful smile on the face of another.
We are touched all the time… and doesn’t it feel so good?!
Many of you have heard me say that Spinal Roll is my favorite Nia move. It is one of my favorites and the other one at the top is Touch. Touch is available to us every single moment, whether awake or asleep. Every cell in our body is being touched by something all the time. Isn’t that amazing to think about? To be aware of?
Join me this week as we elevate the sensation of Touch. In the Year of Gratitude, let’s give thanks for this blessed sensation that we can access 24/7. 
Loving you with the Touch of my heart, Adelle
Many opportunities to join in the dance of Touch… 
Tuesday, 6:45am
Wednesday, 9:15am
Friday, 5:30pm
Sunday, 4:00pm
Somatic Awakening:
Wednesday, 6:45am

Celebrate Humanity!

Dancing Friends! 
In the last week, we have had a lot of celebration at The Synergy Studio. Five new White Belts graduated, 12 Belts from around Texas and Mexico celebrated the new routine ¡Bailando!, and we all celebrated our amazing community.

We will continue our celebration this week with the routine Humanity. Humanity is truly the swan song of Carlos when he celebrated his new life, preparing to step out of Nia.

Everyday is an opportunity to step into a new life, a new moment, a new body. Did you know that every seven years, all the cells in your body regenerate?!! Amazing!

I have two links below to share some of the wonderful celebratory week we had with our brand new White Belts loving their body, and their life as Sacred Athletes.
Joanie and I have our next White Belt coming in June… two weekends to accommodate busy schedules. Give yourself the gift of learning about your body! Art of Sensation… it is amazing!

I will be teaching the new Wednesday Somatic Awakening class at 6:45am this week. Wake up, wear your pj’s, and awaken your body in this wonderful class taught on the floor. Join me!
Here are the links… enJOY! 
Love you all, Adelle

Adelle Brownlee Brewer
Owner, The Synergy StudioNia 1st Degree Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer

Certified Journey Dance Facilitator
Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator

Nia White Belt…Why?… Who?… When?… Now

My friends and dancers of life, 
As I prepare to guide my 9th Nia White Belt with Joanie starting tomorrow, I have been reading the just released, beautiful new WB manual that Debbie Rosas produced. It is truly a masterful, inspirational work of art.
‘Nia is for everyBody’… we say it often… and the Nia White Belt experience is also truly for everyBody… All of us who love personal growth and seek out knowledge. It is about sensation, the Art of Sensation, and learning more about the sacred gift that has been given to us for this life. Our Body.
The forward to this incredible manual is a letter by Dr. Lissa Rankin. She took her WB with Debbie two years ago, and it changed the way she conducts her life as a doctor. I invite you to read the scan I copied below. Lissa speaks eloquently about the importance of cultivating body awareness. 
I write this today in the hopes that each of you will treat yourself to this amazing week at some point. A week dedicated to you, to your body, to your life. Nia is transformational.
We have a wonderful group stepping in tomorrow, and we always welcome more. Our next WB is coming in June. Two weekends to accommodate busy schedules.
It is with deep gratitude for my body, for my community, for you, and for my life that I write this from a place of passion and abundant love in my heart.

As a doctor you might mistakenly think I am in touch 


with my own body, but when I did my Nia White Belt in 2011 and Debbie Rosas asked me to sense my own elbow, I was at a loss. I could feel my elbow if I touched it or rolled it on the floor, but my elbow in space was a mystery to me. As I reflected on my own body numbness, it occurred to me that my medical training had turned me into a walking cerebrum, disembodied from my body’s sensory experience. This was an adaptive mechanism at the time. During my medical training, I wasn’t able to sleep when I was tired, eat when I was hungry, pee when I needed to, or stop holding the surgical retractors that caused pain in my arms and shoulders. Numbing out was the only way I knew to survive. It’s no wonder I couldn’t feel my elbow.
I also became very aware that by dissociating from my own somatic experience, I was missing out on the wisdom of my body and how my intuition speaks to me through this awe-inspiring vehicle that transports me through life and blesses me with the richness of the human experience. Not until I did my White Belt training did I begin to really feel, to sense, to experience what my body knows.
Since that life-changing experience, which was part of what I call “the prescription” for myself, I have incorporated somatic awareness into much of my teaching about how the body can heal itself. In fact, in the 6 Steps To Healing Yourself that I teach in my book, as well as in my public television special, what I learned from Nia became Step 3, which is all about listening to your body’s prescription for what your body needs in order to heal.
Why is it important to cultivate

body awareness and move our

bodies through the 52 moves

of Nia? Because in order to

live optimally healthy, happy

lives in alignment with the

authentic truth of who we are,

we need to trust our bodies to

guide us, to signal to us when

we are out of alignment with

our truth and to teach us how

to move, how to love, how to

go after what we desire, how to receive, how to live our purpose, and how to connect spiritually.
This is what you will learn as a Nia White Belt student. Yourbody will become your constant companion, your trusted friend, your spiritual counselor, your wisest decision-maker, your vehicle for pleasure, and the cherished vessel of your spirit. May you enjoy every step of your journey, and may you, like me, finally feel your elbow.
— Lissa Rankin, MD
New York Times best-selling author of Mind Over Medicine:Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself 

Magical, Mysterious, Mystical Column!

Nia: A lifestyle practice that can be experienced at any age. Nia keeps us flexible, agile, strong and healthy. Nia combines 9 movement forms, 52 moves, 7 cycles, and 5 sensations to create a practice that everyBODY can do forever

Why do we hesitate? Why do we let days go by without moving, dancing, doing Nia? 

Bring your spirit to class this week, and fly with potential and possibilities, as we dance our magical, mysterious, mystical column. Dancing Nia will open the doors to a life of health for this amazing structure that holds our life-force energy.

Read 9 fascinating facts about the spine, and I’ll see you in class!
With deep love, Adelle
1. Both giraffes and humans have seven vertebrae in their necks.
2. As babies, we have 33 vertebrae but as adults we end up with 26. What happens to the 9 remaining bones? Four of them will fuse to make our tailbone and five fuse to make the back of the pelvis.
3. The spinal column has 3 very important functions – it supports the body’s weight, provides flexibility for movement, protects nerve roots and fibres and forms a protective surrounding for the spinal cord– the main pathway of communication between the brain and the rest of the body.
4. The first set of vertebrae (the cervical vertebrae found in the neck) are also called the Atlas. Atlas is a character from Greek mythology who, after losing a fight, was turned to stone and had to carry the weight of the Earth and the Heavens on his shoulders. The cervical vertebrae were also given this name as they carry the weight of the head.
5. The biggest cause of disability in the working population is attributed to spinal disorders.
6. The spine contains over 120 muscles, 220 ligaments and over 100 joints.
7. One quarter of the spine’s length is made up from cartilage.
8. Since cartilage discs expand in the absence of gravity, astronauts returning from space may be 1.5 to 2 inches taller than when they left. Gravity’s effect on cartilage is also the cause of humans shrinking between a quarter of an inch and five inches every decade after the age of 40. It also means we are generally taller in the morning than at night because of the daily effect of gravity on the body.
9. The spine is so flexible it can bend far enough to form two thirds of a circle.

Spot on Deepak! Personal Power

Spot on Deepak!
Read on my friends, take the journey with us this week on the dance floor, and let’s focus on the place in the body where we sense our personal power… the solar plexus. By consciously moving the solar plexus, we move the thoraic spine, the heart, the ribcage, the organs… all places that hold keys to our positive personal power!
I love you beautiful beings!     Adelle
“There is such a thing as personal power, but most people haven’t encountered it even remotely. That’s because their notion of personal power aims at the wrong goal. They define a powerful person as someone with money and status who can exert his will over others. Such a person is imagined to be strong, smart, lucky, and more than a little ruthless. Examples crop up from Washington to Wall Street, any area of life where competition is fierce and the spoils go to the victors.
But the real secret to personal power lies elsewhere. The difference is that one kind of power, the kind I’ve just sketched, comes from what you do while the other comes from who you are. Before writing this post, I reviewed in my mind the qualities I’ve observed in the most powerful people I’ve met over the past thirty years, and it was astonishing how many qualities come directly from being rather than doing. Here’s my list:
  • A powerful person has built a life filled with meaning and purpose.
  • They are able to realize their intentions.
  • They direct their attention with efficiency and focus.
  • Their choices benefit themselves and the people around them.
  • From inside themselves they tap into creativity, imagination, and insight.
  • They can feel out a situation through reliable intuition.
  • Their accomplishments haven’t led to self-importance — humility and gratitude are present in their makeup.
  • At the end of the day life is a continuous source of joy and equanimity for them, not a battlefield of struggle and frustration.
Not every powerful person exhibits these qualities every day; room must be left for personal growth and a host of personal differences. Yet no matter how unique each of us is, we share a common source in the consciousness from which all personal power arises. Once you have made contact with this source, the most valuable things in life – love, compassion, strength, a sense of truth – can be accessed naturally. There is no need to rely on your ego to win them for you (or to do without once your ego fails at the quest).
The kind of power I’m describing isn’t the fruit of worldly success – it lies at the source of who you are. Therefore, success is guaranteed and cannot be taken away. This message has been delivered for centuries by the world’s wisdom traditions, yet it is left to each of us, at any age, to realize the truth by testing it for ourselves. A journey is implied, a lifelong project to know who you really are.
It’s a problem that modern society has such conflicted notions about the inner world, where a muddle has been created by the conflicts between science and religion, contending approaches to psychology, the demands of daily life, and the buried aspirations we never achieve because we spend so much time and effort on distractions. Even so, these obstacles exist in the realm of doing. The realm of being isn’t damaged by them; its door is always open.
How do you recognize if you are accessing your own being? Personally, when I look at myself, I ask if I’m living up to the following traits:
  • Am I immune to criticism but responsive to feedback?
  • Do I feel that I’m beneath no one and superior to no one?
  • Do I feel fearless?
  • Am I standing up for my own truth?
  • Do I find myself in the company of those who seek the truth (and act cautious around those who claim to have found it)?
  • Do I exist in mutual respect with everyone I encounter?
  • Do I feel the kind of courtesy that comes from the heart?
  • Do I know when to defer and when to assert myself?
These touchstones are the most valuable ones on a day-to-day basis because they tell me that I am connected to who I really am, my true self, as opposed to the image I project and the labels that others attach to me. It’s not always easy to remain connected to being; you have to leave room for self-forgiveness and a wide tolerance for making mistakes. But the kind of self-power that is rooted in the self and not in ego is unmistakable and deeply satisfying. The fact that it is open to all remains one of the great secrets of human existence.”
Deepak Chopra, MD, Founder of The Chopra Foundation, Co-Founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, Author of What Are You Hungry For? and for more information visit The Universe Within.

The BEST Resolution for Year Long Health

Happy New Year’s my friends! 
I found this sooo fascinating, and know it to be true. Passing it on to you from the wise and knowledgable Deepak Chopra.

The Best New Year’s Resolution: Be Good To Your Genes

January 05, 2014 

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By Deepak Chopra, MD and Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D.
The New Year occasions all kinds of resolutions (which only 8% of people keep, according to Forbes magazine), but almost no one, I imagine, resolves to improve the function of their genes. The fact that this is even possible sounds mystifying, since the specific genes you’re born with remain the same throughout your lifetime (except in certain cells as we age, e.g. in tumors). But now geneticists increasingly appreciate that the output of our genes varies considerably, not just from year to year but from minute to minute. The genetic read-out of two identical twins is quite similar at birth, but looks very different by age seventy. This understanding, still in its infancy, belongs to a growing field known as epigenetics. In the coming years research projects are set to reveal just how deeply a person can affect the activity of their individual genome – the findings so far are very promising.
Epigenetics was actually first proposed back in 1942 to explain how gene activity changes according to one’s lifestyle and environment. This area of genetic study focuses on the “epigenome”, which includes the complex sheath of proteins that surrounds DNA. It has become the focus of intense study because localized interactions help determine how the output of genes is turned up or down.
Your genes act in concert, forming incredibly complicated, fluid relationships. Their activity isn’t a simple on/off switch but more like a rheostat. Thus the old picture of genes as fixed, static things has been radically revised: your genetic material is active and highly responsive to such things as environment, emotions, personal and social relationships, diet, level of exercise, biochemistry, including neurochemistry. Since your brain chemistry is directly affected by your thoughts, feelings, and stress levels, even everyday experiences and how you react to them can theoretically affect your gene activity.
This new view allows us to see that positive lifestyle changes – meditation, stress reduction, good sleep, a balanced diet, moderate exercise – have a beneficial effect all the way down to the genetic level. Within a very short period, taking up a positive lifestyle alters the activity of 500 genes, according to the findings of Dr. Dean Ornish, the champion of lifestyle as the key in reversing heart disease.
A corollary to this is that some behavioral changes can be passed on to the next generation, through so-called “soft” inheritance. This has been shown in mice and lower organisms, including water fleas. However, future studies will need to tackle the extent to which this happens in humans.
Even though the genes a child receives from its father and mother are largely fixed, events that change the parents’ epigenome (either positive or negative) can potentially be passed on without altering the DNA sequence of the genome, changing the interaction of DNA with its surrounding protein sheath and its effects on gene activity.
A key experiment with mice showed that a mouse who benefited from good mothering or suffered from bad mothering was likely to become a good or bad mother in turn and pass the behavior along to the next generation. More recently, mice who were conditioned to fear a certain aroma passed on this fear to their offspring via epigenetics. Similar findings about events that affected our ancestors are beginning to crop up in human studies. For example, children born to parents in conditions of famine were more prone to obesity. Could this have been due to epigenetics? It’s the type of interesting observation that future epigenetic studies will need to address.
The upshot is that you can resolve to be good to your genes in 2014, with the hope that any positive changes in your gene activity will benefit you and perhaps even your children. The genetic proof is still in the offing, but behavioral studies have already concluded that someone associated with a friend or family member who follows positive behaviors is more likely to adopt those behaviors, too.
Another research program indicates that meditation specifically alters genetic activity almost immediately, which counters the belief that it takes years of spiritual practice to create meaningful change. In particular, meditation increases the levels of a protein called telomerase, which has been linked to slowing down the aging process in cells. The fact that a simple behavioral change acts quickly and deeply is very good news for all of us who have promoted the mind-body connection over the years. Science has moved from a skeptical stance about mind and body to validation at the deepest physiological level.
This year, then, is a good time to take a new attitude to your lifestyle, seeing positive changes not simply as something that’s vaguely good for you but as something that may be crucial to your genetic future. It’s hard to think of a stronger motivation for making a resolution and actually keeping it.
Image: hiddenlighthouse
Deepak Chopra, MD, Founder of The Chopra Foundation, Co-Founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, Author of What Are You Hungry For? and Co author with Rudolph E. Tanzi,Super Brain. For more interesting news and articles visit The Universe Within.
Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi is Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit and Vice-Chair of the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital. He is also the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. Co author with Deepak Chopra, Super Brain.

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