Balance in the Central Nervous System!

A gorgeous day to everyBody!

I woke up this morning, relaxed, read, drank coffee, and then headed out for a Pilates class. My mind was engaged in my reading about our central nervous system.

In class, I became acutely aware of when my sympathetic nervous system came into play, as my body was challenged in some poses. At the end of class, I felt tears flow as my parasympathetic nervous system kicked in, bringing relaxation and balance to my body. Tears often come up as we let our guard down.

We learn in Nia that the ‘body demands balance’, one of our Five Principles of The Body’s Way. We find balance in yin and yang movements, in right/left, up/down, in systemic movement as every cell is activated. We also find balance by exciting both our sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight… as well as our parasympathetic nervous system, the relaxation response that restores calm to the body’s inner workings.

We will focus this week on bringing awareness to our central nervous system, both sympathetic and parasympathetic, experiencing the balance of each that brings our body into homeostasis as we sense our endorphins lift our spirits!

Sound like education? Ha!… Nia is educating each one of us as we connect with the beautiful vessel that has been gifted to us, our body, all wrapped up in an hour of fun!

I look forward to our dance… Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday, 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00 pm… at The Synergy Studio!

Dancing Through Life!

Hola wonderful friends!
I’m in the Las Vegas airport, waiting on my flight home to San Antonio, after a wonder-filled week of teaching and vacationing.
I was in Duvall, Washington, at a gorgeous, small retreat center… Mosswood Hollow. I was co-training a Transformational Breath® Seminar with 4 other trainers, including the founder Judith Kravitz. We had 17 participants from all over the world, including China and Saudi Arabia. 
It was a magnificent experience for everyone, and I HIGHLY recommend it for you! Judith returns to San Antonio Nov 7-13 for another Seminar, and I will be co-training with her… I really hope you will join us. Ask me more via email. I would love to share with you.
THEN, I traveled back to Seattle and met three of my children for an exquisite mini -vacation in the San Juan Islands, WA. Some of you have followed my pics on Facebook… it was truly magical… from whales, otters, fantastic food, lavender farm, magnificent boats, and most importantly… wonderful company. 
Every day is a dance of life. Even as I sit here in the Las Vegas airport (the LAST place I want to be), I am watching the dance of families, vacationers, and business people. I love to people watch. 🙂
Join me tomorrow, Friday, at 5:30, for the only class I teach this week. We will Dance Through Life, exploring Nia Principle #5… my fav! Recognizing that every moment of life can be experienced as a dance changes the perspective of living in the now. 
From the foothills of Washington, to Seattle, the San Juan Islands, Las Vegas airport… to home sweet home…
It is ALL a Dance of Life. 🙂

I can’t wait to see you tomorrow at 5:30. 🙂

With deep love, Adelle 

Savoring the Moment… Lots of Delicious this week!

Good evening wonderful friends!
‘Yummy, Yummy, Delicious’ continues this week after a WONDERFUL weekend routine immersion with teachers from all over Texas! From Austin, Katy, Edinburg, Port Isabel, and San Antonio… we gathered to learn the new Nia routine Feeling. A weekend of commUNITY, fellowship, friendship and loads of FUN. 🙂
As I embody this new routine, it gets yummier and more delicious. 🙂 The focus is the Core of the Body… head, chest, pelvis… and when we activate these three body weights, our beautiful spine releases blocked energy and we feel fantastic! 
Join us this week as we dance Feeling, diving even deeper into the new moves, embodying and learning together as sensation scientists. It is indeed yummy, yummy, delicious. 🙂

Another delicious experience is coming this Sunday, as Joanie and I teach a Detox Yoga Flow Special Class from 10:00-11:30 am. Read on! 

                                  Detox Yoga Flow
with Adelle Brewer and Joanie Brooks
Healthy from the inside out!

The detox yoga flow class is an invigorating Vinyasa flow class that uses specific doTerra essential oils for an effective and gentle method to eliminate toxins within your body. The class will be 1 hour and 20 minutes. During the class we will have oil infused water for you, and afterwards we will have a light snack and tea, both infused with essential oils. You can also sample other essential oils, and find out more information on the oils.

Sunday, August 17
10:00-11:30 pm

– Yoga class and oils
– Oil infused water during class
– Oil infused tea and light snack after class

Sign up by August 14,
and receive a small sample of one of the oils we use in class to take with you, along with the Vinyasa class asanas (poses), so you will be able to re-create the experience at home.

AND… our Drum and Dance Circle with David and Cameron Montalvo is this Friday at 6:45pm, after my Nia class! A FULL week of amazing FUN!
I will see you on the dance floor!
Loving the dance of life, Adelle
My Nia classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm


Yummy, Yummy, Delicious!

“Sense breath, sense consciousness expanding, forgive self, acknowledge the light of yourself. Be aware of spirals of energy moving through your spine. Let the heart open. Let the breath flow, the diaphragm be full and free in its movement.”  Dhyani Ywahoo

Ahhhh!!!! Are you ready? I’m ready! We have a GREAT weekend coming up!

Let’s dance our beautiful spine by activating the Core, Nia White Belt Principle #8. Pelvis, Chest, Head. Energy centers that bring us healing throughout our body when we dance them in life!

Nia gifts us with 7 Core moves that are delicious!
Play with these throughout your day, and join Joanie and me this weekend as we dance the new routine Feeling!
Friday, 5:30pm, Saturday 9:30am, and Sunday 4:00pm
Yeah mon!
  • Use your eyes to explore your environment  (Head and Eye movement).  Notice how this brings you to the NOW and can bring the sensation of gratitude.
  • Undulate your spine while setting at your desk (Undulation).  Notice how your breath expands.
  • When you reach towards earth to pick something up, go down in a wider stance and then rise through the base of your spine, stacking your pelvis first, then chest, then your head (Spinal Roll).
  • Take an afternoon pick me up break by shaking and shimming your chest.  Smile or even add a little sound when you do this!  (Shimmy).  How do you feel?
  • When you are paused in traffic, bring mobility to your chest to release any tension (Chest Isolations).  Notice  how your breath expands and relaxes you.
  • While standing making a meal, circle your pelvis in both directions and sense the release in your lower back (Pelvis Circles).  Add little bumps with your hips and notice how this makes your feel a bit sassy!!!  (Hip Bumps)
OOOOHHHH!!! I’m so excited!
Loving you in abunDance, Adelle

Adelle Brownlee Brewer
Owner, The Synergy StudioNia 1st Degree Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer
Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator + Trainer 

Certified JourneyDance™ Facilitator

Look and See… the Magic of Eyes!

I C U!
Lately I’ve been unable to sleep very much, my creative right brain on high alert, dancing with ideas and bursting with excitement. 
I believe 3 weeks of teaching in silence has set it free. 🙂
As I was lying in bed early this morning, after waking up yet another time, I looked around the room in the ‘dark’ and was amazed how much my eyes could see.
At our 1st Degree Black Belt this year, Debbie Rosas talked about the importance of thinking of our eyes like any other part of the body. Exercise, as well as relaxation, are vitally important for the health and well-being of our ability to look and see.
When we first wake up in the morning, our eyes are the clearest and most alert. Taking time to look out, and focusing both far and near, without the help of glasses, will help to bring the eyes into homeostasis. Recognizing when we are straining our eyes, and therefore our eye muscles, and taking time to palm, relax, and breathe, will help our eyes to stay soft and function properly.
This week, we will focus on one of our 52 moves of Nia, called Head and Eye Movements. While it is the only ‘move’ that is attributed to the head, using the eyes to look and see is key to our over-all well-being and quality of life.
We will use different techniques from Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, as well as palming, swaying, etc to help maintain and improve the wonderful organ we call eyes.
Love your eyes, Love your body!
I’ll LOOK for you this week, and SEE you in class! and BTW, I will be speaking. 🙂
With deep love, Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

Adelle Brownlee Brewer
Owner, The Synergy StudioNia 1st Degree Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer
Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator + Trainer 

Certified JourneyDance™ Facilitator

Considering taking the Nia White belt intensive?  
Whether you want to teach Nia or take Nia for personal growth, it is an amazing experience!
Check out my trainings:

Silence… shhhhhhh… Listen!

“Silence is not the absence of something. It is the presence of everything.” 
~John Grossman
ahhhh… I love mornings. Coffee, sitting outside with my big fan, watching the sun come up… and listening to the Sound of Silence.
We continue our exploration of Silence and the beauty of Sound with the incredible music of Bob Holroyd and the Nia routine AO. Rich and complex in depth, the artist has surprises around every corner, growing from the silence. The instruments come and go, waiting in the quiet to return again.
A metaphor for life. The waxing and waning that is necessary to sustain homeostasis in our body, mind, and spirit.
This has been an amazing three weeks for me as a teacher, growing deeper in my practice of Nia, listening to my body and responding to her needs, and opening every cell to the resonance and gifts of music. The feedback has been phenomenal! Thank you for your presence on the dance floor. I am so blessed.
See you this week! Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm. I will complete the week of “Prana” today (Sunday) at 4:00. Amazing opportunity to process so much through the dance with incredible music of Sacred Spirits.
I have a few more spots open for the Introduction to Transformational Breath® this Saturday from 11:00-1:30. I am offering it monthly… breath is medicine! Sign up online under ‘workshops and events’ on the schedule page. 🙂
I love YOU!

The Power of Silence and Sound

Good morning!
We will continue our focus on The Power of Silence and Sound this week with Prana… shhhhhhhhh!
Continuing from last week… 
I am LOVING our cool, breezy mornings! I spent 4 hours this morning working in my garden, as it transforms into a sanctuary. I was listening to the rustle of the trees, the song of the birds, the whisper of my breath, and all the silence in between… ahhhh….
Speaking of Sanctuary… it is an old Nia routine that I love, focusing on the hands. It is also one of many routines that I have played with the Power of Silence and Sound. I cue the class only through breath, letting the sounds and vibrations of the music resonate through the dance.
My inspiration for this week came from my garden! We will focus on the Power of Silence and Sound. I will be teaching different routines each class, using only my breath to cue. I love this work!
One more thing… I am ending class with a song from my Transformational Breath® Kundalini playlist… songs that lift us up and get our breath going. Its been so much fun, I’ve decided to make that my M.O. for the near future, so I hope you will stay a few more minutes after class for the fun… Dancing Through Life! OH! And I also hope you will join me for one of my monthly Introduction toTransformational Breath® workshops… its an amazing practice! My next one is Saturday, July 19 from 11:00-1:30pm.
Love on this beautiful morning! Enter into the silence, for it is there you will find the sound.
“Music is the festive dress of silence”… Chamalu
With deep love, Adelle

Throw Your Hands in the Air and Say “Yes!” Celebrate!

Hi friends!
We have had an amazing week of celebration in San Antonio, with our wonderful Spurs showing the world that they are truly Sacred Athletes. Not only did they win the NBA National Championship, but they demonstrated what it means to live into their greatness, and give back to the world, while loving and supporting 
one another.
Sunday was a double/double celebration for us at The Synergy Studio, as we graduated 6 Nia White Belts! A beautiful celebration of life and learning, we came together with our greater community at 4:00 in a celebration dance after their graduation. There is a picture below, as well as a link to their celebration dance!
We will continue the celebration this week, as we focus on our hands, the messengers of our heart. Hands express so much emotion and expression. 
Nia incorporates 7 hand moves and 8 finger moves to keep our hands 
healthy and strong.
Fist, pumps, strikes, chop-cut, webbed spaces, palm directions, finger extensions, creepy crawlers, spear finger, catching flies, finger flicks, claw hand, power-finger crossover, balance finger, Touching. 
We have our monthly drum circle at the studio this Friday, after my Nia class. FUN! Join David and Cameron Montalvo from 6:45-8:00 for a rocking great time. $10-20 donation.
I have two more spaces left in the Introduction to Transformational Breath® Workshop this Saturday, from 11:00-1:30. Sign up online!, click on schedule page, under ‘workshops and events.’ I hope you will join me to experience this amazing work… 
your amazing breath!
I will see you in class! Celebrate YOU!
With love, Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm
Link to watch their celebration dance:

Form Into Freedom!

Happy Memorial Day Friends!
Today, we honor all of those who have served our country and fought for Freedom. Today is a day of gratitude!
This week, we will dance with the spirit of gratitude as we play with the many ways that our body expresses Form and Freedom. We will dance to the beautiful routine Miracle.
Your body is truly a Miracle.
As I dance through my day, I am so grateful for my body, and its ability to navigate the world with grace and ease. It’s so amazing, the form that allows me the freedom to think, express, and be authentic.
Take time out this week to celebrate your Freedom… to acknowledge your beautiful Form… and join us on the dance floor!
With deep love, Adelle
My classes this week at The Synergy Studio:
Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm 
PS! Joanie and I have a White Belt training starting next weekend! We have a GREAT group from all over… and there is room for YOU! Its a two-weekend format, so its perfect for working schedules. Call me!

Space! Yes!

Hi lovely friends,
This last weekend was all about space, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual space.

We had an amazing weekend of movement with two inspirational instructors from Kripalu, Jovinna Chan and Jurian Hughes, and we ended the weekend with a fantastic breath group session that I facilitated. 

The weekend for me was all about Space.
Space to be a student, Space to dance with others,Space to encourage the beautiful breath to open. Lots of magic happened!

Join me this week for a dance of Space. Where do you need more Space in your life? Transformation can start with the breath opening up possibilities in your body, dancing into Space, and finding the Space that sometimes we don’t see or notice. 

There is plenty of Space… create some for yourself and join me on the dance floor!

The Synergy Studio is a sponsor of the new major exhibit opening at the Witte this weekend, HEB Body Adventure! Footage for the permanent exhibit was filmed at the studio and we will be present all weekend doing demos… Nia, Yoga, Tai Chi, HoopDance, Drumming… I hope you will support the Witte in changing people’s lives through awareness of health! 

AND… three great event/workshops coming this weekend to the studio… Monthly Drum Circle, Core Strengthening and Spinal Awareness, and Intro to Aerial Silks! Check them out here

Love in abundance, Adelle 

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