I woke up this morning, relaxed, read, drank coffee, and then headed out for a Pilates class. My mind was engaged in my reading about our central nervous system.
We learn in Nia that the ‘body demands balance’, one of our Five Principles of The Body’s Way. We find balance in yin and yang movements, in right/left, up/down, in systemic movement as every cell is activated. We also find balance by exciting both our sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight… as well as our parasympathetic nervous system, the relaxation response that restores calm to the body’s inner workings.
We will focus this week on bringing awareness to our central nervous system, both sympathetic and parasympathetic, experiencing the balance of each that brings our body into homeostasis as we sense our endorphins lift our spirits!
Sound like education? Ha!… Nia is educating each one of us as we connect with the beautiful vessel that has been gifted to us, our body, all wrapped up in an hour of fun!
I look forward to our dance… Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday, 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00 pm… at The Synergy Studio!