Author: Adelle Brownlee Brewer Page 1 of 19

We view Nia through the triad of Music, Movement and Magic. Music is the canvas upon which the body moves. Magic is what happens inside of us. In class, when we connect music and movement, magic is created.
Music touches souls and awakens spirits.
Join me in class this week as we play with one of the BIG triads and foundations of Nia …
Music + Movement = Magic! Its a Magical week at The Synergy Studio!
Love in abunDance,
My classes this week… Tuesday 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, Friday 5:30 pm, and Sunday 4:00 pm at The Synergy Studio!

We are all spiritual beings, embodied in flesh, supported by love. During this time of constant change, chaos and quickening pace, it is natural to sense fear in our body, and approach the evolution with trepidation. Many situations seem like the opposite of loving. However, it is essential to remember that our souls chose to be here at this time and place in history, to be a part of humanity’s evolving and healing process. Every movement in the Universe is a movement towards love, and we must remember to choose love over fear as we approach our daily lives.
Join us on the dance floor this week, as we celebrate the heart, opening the chest… giving and receiving. Anatomically, the heart resides in the chest, surrounded and protected by the rib cage. It is the thoracic area of our spine, a location that holds tension, tightness, anxiety, fear… and love.
Through opening our heart, moving the thoracic spine, and letting the energy flow, we tap into our divinity, helping and healing others through our presence, our time, our love. We also become the recipient of that omnipresent love… for it is all love.
This morning, Angie and I had a wonderful JourneyDance™ Energy of the Heart workshop… and we will continue the dance of the heart today at 4:00 with Nia. My other classes this week will also focus on the heart center, opening to love, change and possibility. Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm.
“When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans, our planet, and the universe. As we find ways we can serve, our fear dissipates. Regardless of what actions we choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love. This is all that is needed.”… Madisyn Taylor
See you on the dance floor!

The last year of my life has been chalked full of goodbyes. I said goodbye to my mother, and others who transitioned. There were also goodbyes to dear friends who moved, changed direction, and many times I listened and grieved with others who said ‘goodbye’ to their careers, their stability, their livelihood. While it was a year of so much letting go, and so much grieving, every experience gave me an opportunity to reflect, express appreciation, and grow stronger in the essence of gratitude, and my belief in grace.
This year? I’m dedicating it to the year of hellos. As one of my practices, I sit on the throne (ha…yes, I did say that), and read the daily affirmation from Miracle Consciousness. It is a life practice that connects me to the miracle of each life I encounter, seeing them as pure light, pure love. Today’s affirmation: I choose peace. I choose love. I choose joy. It is a choice.
Perfect for my year of hellos.
This was present in my in-box today, another perfect affirmation for my year of hellos:
I release the belief that anything or anyone outside of me can prevent my good. I participate in the circulation of blessings by giving generously and knowing I will receive in abundance. I keep my thoughts on gratitude and trust the constant flow of good in my life. I forgive myself and others for past hurts and receive the wealth of a peaceful heart.

From my amazing friend and colleague Adam Barley, a master 5Rhythms teacher in England. His words resonate deeply with me… passing them on. And yes, Gabrielle’s books are genius. So much wisdom in her glorious life on earth. Adelle
“To listen to the no-sound of the breath, expanding into the stillness and spaciousness that brings.
To tune into the same consciousness we find when we dance – aware of the body, it’s instincts and hunches about timing, space, and pace.
To allow the free flow and creative expression of our feelings in and out of relationship with others, including more body-awareness and embodied communication with our friends, lovers, and enemies, remembering how to speak straight from the heart, and listen with everything we have.
To totally engage in the moment to moment teachings and alchemy that the events of our lives are constantly giving us – whether in a brush with a stranger, an intimacy with our family, a conflict with a friend, or encounters with birth, death, sex, money, and creative endeavor. All the stuff of life has the potential for deep and profound personal evolution, both as healing and growth. Whether you dance daily at home, weekly at your local class, or in periodic high-octane blasts at workshops, a strong practice will create and strengthen pathways in your body-heart-mind that make this kind of engagement more readily available. Gabrielle Roth, the founder of this practice, communicated this kind of engagement with life so beautifully in all three of her books. (If you haven’t read them, just do it. They’re brilliant.) There’s something about movement practices that do this particularly well I think. Because they’re rooted in the body, they create pathways within us, new neural networks, that engage us with ourselves and each other in a very ‘whole’ way. Then off the dance floor those same pathways quite naturally get used to engage us in some mysterious way with life, allowing it to affect us more deeply and teach us more vibrantly, shaking us loose from our moorings of social convention, constantly nudging us awake.
Nudge me awake. More please. Next step. I’m waking up again. A little more. Listen. Yes. Now. Take a breath. This is it. Let love in. Let myself show. Let life hurt me. Let life bless me. Let go, let go, let go. Let go of letting go and stick with something long enough for creation to happen. Let this be. Here we come.
All these things happen all the time. There is no need for a dance floor. No need to move in a way that would look weird whilst shopping for vegetables at the market.
Now is the moment of power.” Adam Barley
Adam’s website:

Next time you find yourself fully engaged in the moment, whether you are making art, trying to solve an interesting puzzle, or talking to your best friend, you may want to take a moment to notice how you feel. You may observe that you are not thinking about what you need to do next, your body feels like it’s pleasantly humming, or your brain feels tingly. As you enjoy the feeling of being located entirely in the present moment, you can inform yourself that you may try to recall this feeling later. You might try this while driving home or getting ready for bed, allowing yourself to be just as engaged in that experience as you were in the earlier one.
The more we draw ourselves into the present moment, the more we honor the gift of our lives, and the more we honor the people around us. When we are fully present, we give and receive aliveness in equal measure. For today, try to be fully present in your daily activities and watch a new reality open for you.
Nia 1st Degree Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer
My friend and fellow colleague of movement, Adam Barley, wrote this today and I wanted to pass it on. See below***
All over the world, from Tibet to the Amazon rainforest, indigenous wisdom keepers have been saying for a few decades now that the time has come for their most sacred teachings to be shared freely with anyone who will listen – human consciousness ‘technologies’ that have for
But beyond even that, we all feel it, see it, know it in our guts: we’re not just on the brink, we’re off the edge and falling.
Well, that’s Chaos. Chaos falls. The wave needs to break.
After ten thousand years of gathering Staccato momentum, pushing out and forwards like all good waves do, it’s come to the point where that forward motion has become unsustainable, and the pull of mamma earth is taking over again. Such is the nature of Chaos, and this wave is so huge, we’re seeing the beginning of a break so mighty, we can barely begin to grasp it’s depth or power.
How are your surfing skills, people???
How are you with ‘down’ as a direction?
(You know that Flowing moves in, Staccato out, Lyrical up, Stillness centered, right? Got a problem with “Down we go!”?) ***

Because as far as I can see, there’s no escaping what’s going on. For any of us. We do get some degree of choice as to how, like whether you want to do pharmaceutically engineered, mass media driven, ego feeding nightmares on the one extreme, or whether you’re willing to turn around and look deep into the mirror, dancing with what you find there.
You going to live in the shadow of Chaos?
Or dive into the eye of the storm, and keep waking up?
The answer is probably a bit of both isn’t it? Because awakening is not a one time thing. It’s a moment to moment, day by day, step by step process. Never ending.
with love,