Dear dancing friends,
Joanie and I just returned from an amazing, fun, and expansive weekend in Colorado, teaching Nia FreeDance in three cities, with three communities. After flying into Denver on Friday, we taught an evening class at iBody, a Saturday morning class in Boulder at Joy in Motion and a Sunday afternoon class in Colorado Springs at the Briargate YMCA.
My creative juices are on fire, and the opportunities to spread the love of movement are stronger than ever.
Have you heard of the Fibonacci sequence? The Fibonacci sequence is the mathematical equation that is constantly expanding… infinite. Starting with 0, then 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . .
The Fibonacci sequence is named after the late 11th century Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. He introduced the sequence to the West, but guess what? It was present from time eternal.
The Fibonacci sequence appears everywhere in our natural world. Nia Principle #2, Natural Time, at its most poignant. It is coded in the world’s DNA, including yours.
What does that mean to you and me? It means that life has infinite possibilities and potential, if we just get out of the way, and let our body, emotions, mind and spirit have the space to expand. There are multiple ways to reach our goals, our dreams, and our visions. Are you on board?
Let’s start with the 0… the one point… the physical center of the body… and say ‘I Am’… ‘So Hum’… next, put it into motion by saying, ‘Now I Am’. What do you want more of in your life? What do you wish for your family? Your friends? The world? Take a Breath… it starts there. Now I Am Breathing… Now I Am Grateful… Now I Am Abundant… Now I Am Love… Now I Am Authentically Me.
Join me this week as we continue to expand and grow my new routine Breath, that I will be filming for Nia HQ in September. Three songs have been replaced. I’ve received amazing feedback from the community here, as well as trainers and friends in other communities.
Let’s grow this lifestyle practice together, expanding our Fibonacci spiral wider and wider. It is coded in our DNA. We were born to dance. It is our birthright, and the birthright of everyBody. Bring friends… let’s dance… let’s Breathe!
Check out the beautiful Fibonacci sequences in our natural world throughout this blog. Look and see them all around you!
Deep love, Adelle
My classes this week:
Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm
Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am
Our Nia FreeDance class in Boulder!