Hello Friends!4b25e405c6c0aea109e4796f329d48da

We are enJoying a wet and cool Fiesta week in San Antonio, a week of play and merriment that encompasses 10 days. I love living in this amazing city that celebrates life, family, friends, and fun.

Looking ahead, I WILL be teaching my Fun Friday Fiesta class at 5:30. The roads will open at 3:00, and so will parking spaces. Keep the parade merriment going and come dance with us!

In this week of playful fun, I invite you to notice when you let go and play… in silliness, merriment, and laughter. Join us in class, and bring your ‘Now I Am’ affirmation to play and set it in motion.SAfiesta1

I will be playing with my new routine Breath this week, as I craft, tweak and have fun with YOU, preparing for the filming later this year. I welcome all feedback!

Now I Am… Letting Go! 🙂

Millions join the annual Fiesta celebration in San Antonio, Texas April 18-28.  (PRNewsFoto/City of San Antonio)

Love, Adelle

Nia at The Synergy Studio: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm

Nia FreeDance at The Synergy Studio: Thursday 9:15am

Nia at RIIM Fitness: Friday 8:30am