
Happy 2016 friends!

As we begin a new year, we can reflect on all the wonderful endings that have catapulted us forward to new beginnings. At The Synergy Studio, we are calling 2016: Year of New Beginnings.

In class, I like to say every breath is a new beginning… a new opportunity to begin again. Every step we make in life represents new potential to do something different. To take inspiration from the most ordinary, and realize the extraordinary.

Bring your feet to class this week, taking the next step into your potential, your greatness, your health. We will focus on our feet, the hands that touch the earth, as we recognize the uniqueness in every heal lead that dances us into life.

AO, Alpha Omega, Beginning/Ending, and then… New Beginnings!

I am teaching two Yoga classes tomorrow, Sunday, at 8:45am and 5:30pm. I hope you will make the step into these Slow Flow Yoga classes that Joanie and I are teaching weekly on Sundays. 🙂

See you this week!
Step in…. love, Adelle

Nia: Sunday (tomorrow) 4:00pm, Tuesday, 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm
Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am
Slow Flow Yoga: Sunday (tomorrow) 8:45am, 5:30pm

All at The Synergy Studio! Check out our beautiful new website!

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