Happy Holidays Nia Friends!
This week is about noticing the breath…
When your breath is deep, steady, and rhythmic, do you feel strong, calm, energized? When your breath is shallow, nervous, erratic or rapid, do you feel weak, uneasy, stressed?
By being aware of our breath as we dance through our day, we can relax, slow down, and bring ourselves into the present moment. Breath is our life force and has the power to heal us by simply doing what our body is designed to do.
Take a deep breath right now, and as you exhale sense how your shoulders and jaw slowly release. Take another deep breath, and exhale using sound… ‘u’… ‘o’… ‘e’… ‘a’… ‘i’… What do you sense in your body? Is your mind more clear? Your pulse more quiet?
Our breath is a wonderful tool we have available to us all the time… a tool that can still our mind, relax our body, and quiet our emotions.
Get ready for Prana! We will focus on our Breath this week in class. I will be cueing with my breath, so you can connect deeply to the wonderful music, the movement of your body, and then sense the magic that unfolds.
Bring your body to class… your breath will come along too!
Love! Adelle
My classes this week:
Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm
Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am
Slow Flow Yoga: Sunday 5:30pm