What does it mean to be balanced?
I’ve explored this answer my entire life. I was a child who wanted to do EVERYTHING, and it carried over into my adulthood. The desire to do anything and everything meant that there was a constant push/pull with time, and balance.
It was through my practice of Nia, and Transformational Breath® that the statement ‘time is an illusion’ became reality. I realized that I always have enough time… especially when it comes to being balanced.
‘The Body Demands Balance’… one of the Nia 5 Principles of The Body’s Way. Hmmm…
The principle means that my body is available all the time to tell me what is in balance, and what needs more attention. My body is perfect in its design, balanced left/right, up/down, in/out… two of almost everything, and if there is one (heart) it is balanced by another (liver.) All I have to do is realize that my body is my guide moment to moment, and if I listen, it will tell me where I need more balance.
As a mother of four, and owner of The Synergy Studio, there have been many moments when I didn’t listen to my body, and things got out of sorts. I crammed as much as I could in one day, making sure everyone was taken care of, the studio was running smoothly, and I was filling every moment with ‘something.’ I forgot about a very important item… myself.
Through the years, many experiences, and observing how others do it, I have learned to balance my time, my energy, keeping my body, mind and spirit in alignment. Ahhhh! Its a great feeling.
Two of my most admired ‘heros’ of Balance are my daughter, Louisa Brewer, and Debbie Rosas, co-creator of Nia. After graduating from college, Louisa took a year and traveled abroad to work as an au pair, feeding her desire for adventure. After returning home, she accepted a job in an arts organization, only to discover that her talents were being stifled with busy-work, so what did she do? She gave her notice and started an art school and design studio, listening to her heart and following her passion. THAT is Balance. Oil and Clay Studio
I watch Debbie with admiration every time I am with her. Her ability to orchestrate so many people and personalities in the office, write her amazing books, teach classes and trainings, and always find time to nurture herself is true Balance in action.
Let’s play with Balance in class this week, and notice without judgement where we need to tweak what we do… to create more.
Joanie and I just completed the 1st weekend of a split weekend Nia white belt training with 4 amazing beings of light from our San Antonio community. They are diving into 13 principles focused on body-centered awareness that teaches somatic skills for connecting to one’s body and life. We continue this Friday, with graduation day on November 1. I hope you can come and dance with us and our trainees as they step into their greatness and walk the path of the Sacred Athlete!
LOVE! Adelle
Nia classes this week at The Synergy Studio:
Tuesday 6:45 am, Wednesday 9:15 am, and Thursday 9:15 am Nia FreeDance: Focus on Balance!
Friday (Nia White Belt training continues) at 5:30 pm teaching with Joanie: Focus on Nia Principle #10, X-Ray Anatomy. (Balance is there too!)
Saturday at 9:30 am teaching with Joanie: Focus on energizing the 52 moves of Nia. A fun, fun, fun class!! Wear a costume if you desire!! (and get Balanced!)
Sunday (Graduation Day) at 4:00 pm teaching with Joanie: Focus on Nia Principle #13, Sharing What You Sense. (and sense Balance!)