Friends… Love waves are coming your way!~~~~~

We are all spiritual beings, embodied in flesh, supported by love. During this time of constant change, chaos and quickening pace, it is natural to sense fear in our body, and approach the evolution with trepidation. Many situations seem like the opposite of loving. However, it is essential to remember that our souls chose to be here at this time and place in history, to be a part of humanity’s evolving and healing process. Every movement in the Universe is a movement towards love, and we must remember to choose love over fear as we approach our daily lives.

Join us on the dance floor this week, as we celebrate the heart, opening the chest… giving and receiving. Anatomically, the heart resides in the chest, surrounded and protected by the rib cage. It is the thoracic area of our spine, a location that holds tension, tightness, anxiety, fear… and love.

Through opening our heart, moving the thoracic spine,  and letting the energy flow, we tap into our divinity, helping and healing others through our presence, our time, our love. We also become the recipient of that omnipresent love… for it is all love.

This morning, Angie and I had a wonderful JourneyDance™ Energy of the Heart workshop… and we will continue the dance of the heart today at 4:00 with Nia.  My other classes this week will also focus on the heart center, opening to love, change and possibility. Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm.

“When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans, our planet, and the universe. As we find ways we can serve, our fear dissipates. Regardless of what actions we choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love. This is all that is needed.”… Madisyn Taylor

See you on the dance floor!

In, out, around and through love… Adelle