Hi Friends!
I am coming off an amazing 3 1/2 weeks of learning, teaching, growing and connecting. Starting with hosting a Nia Blue Belt training, then teaching a Transformational Breath® Seminar, then training a Nia White Belt in CaliforNia, and finally being a host and student this last weekend, at a YogaFit for Warriors training designed for understanding PTSD and the impact it is having on our troops as well as our society.
My psoas has received a work-out! Sitting on airplanes has tightened it, and doing Nia and Yoga with awareness of lengthening this amazing muscle, has helped me remain healthy, flexible and strong.
This is a wonderful excerpt from an article I read about Liz Koch. She has an amazing weekend Psoas training… and I hope to bring her to The Synergy Studio!
“The Psoas muscle (pronounced so-as) is the deepest muscle of the human body affecting our structural balance, muscular integrity, flexibility, strength, range of motion, joint mobility, and organ functioning.
A relaxed psoas is the mark of play and creative expression. Instead of the contracted psoas, ready to run or fight, the relaxed and released psoas is ready
instead to lengthen and open, to dance.
Koch believes that by cultivating a healthy psoas, we can rekindle our body’s vital energies by learning to reconnect with the life force of the universe. Within the Taoist tradition the psoas is spoken of as the seat or muscle of the soul, and surrounds the lower “Dan tien” a major energy center of body. A flexible and strong psoas grounds us and allows subtle energies to flow through the bones, muscles and joints.” ~~~From https://bodydivineyoga.wordpress.com/2011/03/23/the-psoas-muscle-of-the-soul/
How about it? Let’s rock, roll, spin, open, strengthen and lengthen the muscle of the soul this week! Psoas! Yes!
Love, Adelle
My classes this week:
Nia: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Thursday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm
Yoga: Thursday 12:00pm, Sunday 8:45am
Read more about the muscle of the soul from the amazing Dr. Christine Northrup… http://www.drnorthrup.com/psoas-muscle-vital-muscle-body/