Good beautiful morning in San Antonio! fullsizerender-27

As I sit with my coffee, thinking about the day ahead, and reflecting on the amazing weekend adventure that I just returned from, I am filled to the brim with Gratitude.

Spending the weekend with great friends, old and new, celebrating the masculine spirit in perfect balance with the feminine, I was in Santa Fe for the ‘Men of Nia’ event. Men from all over the US came to teach classes and workshops. I am beyond inspired, and deeply grateful for these men who model compassion, grace, love and strength.

Fred Bass, a dear friend and fellow Nia 1˚Black Belt, came from Portland, Oregon to tell his story, and inspire others. Having lost 2 of his 4 children to a disease even beyond the knowledge of doctors, he dances with the spirit of all four daily… ‘two who walk the streets of Heaven, and two who walk the streets of Earth.’ His workshop was beyond words. Fred is a man who truly models a life of Gratitude. He will be joining us in San Antonio in 2017, along with other Men of Nia, to inspire us, and all of those we love… stay tuned. 🙂

Take a deep breath, and open your day with a Gratitude dance.

See you this week!

Deep love, Adelle

Nia:  Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Yoga: Thursday 12:00pm, Sunday 8:45am