“Tell me…What is it you plan to do with your one and wild precious life?” ~Mary Oliver
The saying ‘an attitude of gratitude’ has been around for a long time. It highlights how our attitude affects our daily life, and how expressing gratitude for the smallest of things in life shifts the energy that we feel in our heart.
It does that and more…
Science and medicine in the Western world have been diving deeper into what was considered ‘woo woo’ or esoteric not too many years ago. Saying positive daily affirmations, thanking others as well as ourselves, and bringing a positive attitude to any situation shifts the body on a cellular level, increasing endorphins, and activating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Is it the fountain of youth? I believe it is. I witness it daily in my classes, with my friends, and with communities that I visit and teach. Youth and age are only labels that we put on ourselves. We truly are only as young as we feel, and that starts with how we approach every day.
After just returning from a over-the-top fantastic Nia FreeDance training in Pittsboro, North Carolina, where I taught my new Nia routine “CELL-ebrate”, then Joanie and I were inspired by 17 amazing people who took the weekend training with us, I am FULL of gratitude and in awe of this lifestyle practice that is trickling out in the world one body at a time.
Bring your attitude of gratitude to class this week. Activate it daily, and say thank you to the simple things in life… your meal, the garden, the rain, the sunshine, your body, your one and wild precious self… and notice the cellular shift in your heart. Just notice. You may sense a smile spontaneously lighting up your face. You may observe that your smile becomes infectious, as others smile too. Notice.
So Hum… I Am… Loving you, Adelle