bal*ance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in correct proportions.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a great need for balance in the world. It IMG_94BE03-68DEE9-E0D79C-5B161A-FDB23D-80CA36seems lop-sided. More yang then yin. We need to soften, trust, and let creative flow happen. We need love. We need to recognize the Miracles that happen everyday, every moment, with every breath.

In achieving optimal health, we refer to bringing the body into homeostasis, equal balance of energy inside and out. We sense this in subtle ways when we roll on the floor in embryonic, use both left and right sides of the body to begin a sequence, reach high and dive low, play with flexibility and strength, mobility and agility… to name a few. Our body thrives when we equalize the alkalinity and acidity within, in response to changes in external conditions (such as the hot weather we’ve been experiencing!) This equalization is bringing the body into homeostasis… Balance.

This week we will focus on Balance. One of principles of the body… The Body Demands Balance… is demonstrated in its amazing design. Think of all the pairs in your body’s structure!

There is a beautiful hand mudra that helps bring balance to the body.  Matangi mudra is sometimes referred to as the miracle mudra in India. It strengthens the respiratory rhythm and the energy balance around the solar plexus. Practice it as needed for 5 minutes to

Matangi Mudra Picrelieve restless legs and a wandering mind. It also strengthens the digestive organs- stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas, and kidneys.

Try it on, whether in a Nia class, or one of the many Yoga classes that the studio offers. I am teaching a lot of classes this week, both Nia and Yoga.


Treat yourself to a ‘daily dance’, and practice the Art of Balance with me!

I found the email focus below from over a year ago, right after we lost our house in Wimberley. It has been rebuilt, blessed with lots of hard work, love, and yes… Wimberley herself is a Miracle of beauty. photo-2B4

Deep, deep love, Adelle

My classes this week:

Nia: Tuesday 6:45, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm

Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am

Yoga: Thursday 12:00, Sunday 8:45am


Read on…

Dear wonderful Friends,

Thank you to so many who have expressed their concern about my family and our place in Wimberley. I am filled with gratitude that my family evacuated before the photo-2B5house was overcome with the power of Mother Nature and the mighty Blanco River. Our hearts go out to the many families who are facing life without a home, and in some cases, without those they love. The loss in beautiful Wimberley, Texas, is immense.

It is reported that the landscape of the Blanco River changed in one hour, as the river swelled 40 feet with the power of 2 1/2 times Niagara Falls. Homes carried away, 500 year old trees uprooted. THAT is one powerful force of nature.

I am humbled by the outpouring of so many people, complete strangers in many cases, who have stepped in to help others. Wimberley is in action, cleaning up, even with the increased likelihood of more rain.

Life is truly a miracle. We can talk about it in an existential way, yet when change happens in nano-seconds, the appreciation grows

Join me on the dance floor this week. Let’s dance the beautiful routine Miracle, saying Thank You for each moment, for our body, for life.

I love you all, Adelle