Many English idioms mention the back, usually highlighting it as an area of vulnerability; one must “watch one’s back”, or one may end up “with one’s back up against the wall”; worse yet, someone may “stab one in the back”, but hopefully a friend “has got one’s back”. The back is also a symbol of strength and hard work, with those seeking physical labor looking for “strong backs”, and workers being implored to “put their back into it”.
How often do you put your attention, your focus, on your back?
By sensing the length, width and depth of our back, we bring awareness to how we stand, how we hold our shoulders, how we engage the muscles to dance us through our day. With awareness, we can move the 26 vertebrae separate yet connected, like a beautiful serpent. We can engage the muscles of the lower trapezius to draw our shoulders down, and make us taller. We can reach all directions with our arms, hands, and fingers to energize both the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the entire back of our body.
And guess what? Our back not only loves the attention, but it also gains strength, flexibility, mobility and stability!
Who has your back? YOU DO! Bring the affirmation, “I love my back,”… the energy will follow. 🙂
See you in class this week! Adelle
Nia: Tuesday, 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm
Nia FreeDance: Thursday, 9:15am
Joanie and I have a GREAT Nia White Belt training coming up June 3-9th! Jump in now for the sale (until May 31st). Nia FreeDance training is coming June 25, 26! 🙂