
“Your arms are the messengers of your heart.” ~Gabrielle Roth, founder 5Rhythms.


“When we sense our shoulder girdle, its like sensing a delicate pair of wings supporting us from behind.” ~Debbie Rosas, co-founder Nia.

Let’s focus on our wings: shoulder girdle, arms, and hands, as we say HELLO to our beautiful Springtime, recognizing the majesty of our body!

“Having a healthy shoulder girdle means your arms and hands are securely anchored yet can hang loosely, making it possible for you to move your arms and hands freely through space. Increasing your understanding of the shoulder girdle will give you more power and grace!” ~Debbie Rosas

Join me this week, as we spread our wings, sensing the lightness and flexibility that it brings to our body, gaining somatic knowledge that will fly us through our day!

Flying high with love,  Adelle                 dragon_wings_by_mosquitone-d386i7k

Nia: Tuesday 6:45am Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm                       Nia FreeDance: Thursday 9:15am                                                                               All at The Synergy Studio!