Good morning!
Right here, right now, take a moment to sense the fabric of your clothes touching your skin. Look out from what you are doing, soften your eyes, and change your perception of what you see. As you read these words, notice the movement of your eyes, the reach of your hand as you pick up your cup of coffee, tea or water.
When you do these things, are you anywhere else but here? Present?
These simple tasks are examples of a vibrant principle of Nia, Principle #5: Awareness. The feel of something touching our skin: Living Meditation. The change of perception: Life as Art. The movements our body makes: Dancing Through Life.
There is a lot of talk these days about present moment, living in the now. Awareness brings us there… here… into presence.
Yummy, yummy delicious. Its called living life 100%.
As Olympic Athletes say, “Practice, practice, practice, then the game is on.”
As Sacred Athletes, the game is on now for us. Everyday is an opportunity to hone our skills, to practice, for every moment counts. We are alive, humming with awareness… buzzing with life.
Come practice with me this week… the game is on.
Loving you wide, tall, and deep, Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm at The Synergy Studio
I love this about Presence from Madisyn Taylor:
When we are fully present, we offer our whole selves to whatever it is that we are doing. Our attention, our integrity, and our energy are all focused in the moment and on the task at hand. This is a powerful experience, and when we are in this state, we feel completely alive and invigorated. This kind of aliveness comes easily when we are absorbed in work or play that we love, but it is available to us in every moment, and we can learn to summon it regardless of what we are doing. Even tasks or jobs we don’t enjoy can become infused with the light of being present. The more present we are, the more meaningful our entire lives become.
Next time you find yourself fully engaged in the moment, whether you are making art, trying to solve an interesting puzzle, or talking to your best friend, you may want to take a moment to notice how you feel. You may observe that you are not thinking about what you need to do next, your body feels like it’s pleasantly humming, or your brain feels tingly. As you enjoy the feeling of being located entirely in the present moment, you can inform yourself that you may try to recall this feeling later. You might try this while driving home or getting ready for bed, allowing yourself to be just as engaged in that experience as you were in the earlier one.
The more we draw ourselves into the present moment, the more we honor the gift of our lives, and the more we honor the people around us. When we are fully present, we give and receive aliveness in equal measure. For today, try to be fully present in your daily activities and watch a new reality open for you.

Adelle Brownlee Brewer
Owner, The Synergy Studio
Nia 1st Degree Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer
Transformational Breath® Facilitator + Trainer
Certified JourneyDance™ Facilitator