My friend and fellow colleague of movement, Adam Barley, wrote this today and I wanted to pass it on. See below***
All over the world, from Tibet to the Amazon rainforest, indigenous wisdom keepers have been saying for a few decades now that the time has come for their most sacred teachings to be shared freely with anyone who will listen – human consciousness ‘technologies’ that have for
But beyond even that, we all feel it, see it, know it in our guts: we’re not just on the brink, we’re off the edge and falling.
Well, that’s Chaos. Chaos falls. The wave needs to break.
After ten thousand years of gathering Staccato momentum, pushing out and forwards like all good waves do, it’s come to the point where that forward motion has become unsustainable, and the pull of mamma earth is taking over again. Such is the nature of Chaos, and this wave is so huge, we’re seeing the beginning of a break so mighty, we can barely begin to grasp it’s depth or power.
How are your surfing skills, people???
How are you with ‘down’ as a direction?
(You know that Flowing moves in, Staccato out, Lyrical up, Stillness centered, right? Got a problem with “Down we go!”?) ***

Because as far as I can see, there’s no escaping what’s going on. For any of us. We do get some degree of choice as to how, like whether you want to do pharmaceutically engineered, mass media driven, ego feeding nightmares on the one extreme, or whether you’re willing to turn around and look deep into the mirror, dancing with what you find there.
You going to live in the shadow of Chaos?
Or dive into the eye of the storm, and keep waking up?
The answer is probably a bit of both isn’t it? Because awakening is not a one time thing. It’s a moment to moment, day by day, step by step process. Never ending.
with love,