Happy Wonderful Holiday Weather!

In the midst of the holiday excitement, do you sense your body’s need to lengthen, strengthen, open, release and relax?

The psoas is a large muscle, with a length of up to 16 inches, that attaches to the bottom of the thoracic spine and travels along the lumbar spine, then runs through the pelvic bowl, down over the front of the hip joint, and attaches at the top of the femur. It is the only muscle connecting the spine to the leg. 

Our psoas muscle is magical in the way it supports us standing, walking and running, and when healthy and relaxed, allows the diaphragm to function with ease and grace….and we can breathe to our full potential.  The psoasprovides us with mobility and core stability, and it affects the ability of our legs and spine to move freely.  

Our psoas muscle is considered the most important muscle of our body and the muscle for most people that needs awakening and lengthening!

Look around you in life and at work, and notice people’s posture.  Much of the contraction in our psoas occurs due to our use of technology, hovering over our laptops, driving hunched over the steering wheel, walking with our head looking down….the list goes on and on.    

In Nia, we move the body organically in ways that support the conditioning and lengthening of our psoas muscle.  When we move through the planes of our body (high, middle and low) we are opening and closing the front of our groin, contracting and expanding our psoas muscle.  When we roll on the floor “embryonic like” we are spiraling our psoasmuscle.  When we engage our chest with chest isolations, we are mobilizing and vibrating our psoas  (***it attaches to our thoracic and lumbar spine).  When we use toes in, out and parallel, and express with our arms and hands, we are conditioning our psoas muscle.  Nia awakens our psoas, and can potentially release stress in our body!  

Guess what?! Nia heals and conditions every part of our body…YEAH FOR NIA!

I’ll see you on the dance floor this week, dancing and conditioning our Psoas!

Love you all, Adelle
My classes this week: Tuesday 6:45am, Wednesday 9:15am, Friday 5:30pm