and more…
8 loads of laundry
6 cups of Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream
3 bowls of buttermilk
2 alert and curious Grandparents
5 hours of sleep and 1 exhausted owner
My precious Bella delivered 5 healthy babies last night and early this morning. It was an amazing experience, and I’m so grateful that I was present to help, as Bella might not have made it. My niece Lauren was here helping me, and 5 BIG babies later, everyone is fine!
Labor started at 3:00pm yesterday, and after many calls to the vet and others, we were just about to take her to the emergency clinic when little legs appeared at 7:00 pm. After many pushes, the baby was stuck around its mid-section, and we knew we had minutes to get it out. Wash rag, gentle pulling and then the baby went limp. We talked through the reality of a still-born and continued to help her by pulling. The baby finally came out and yes, he was limp. I shook and rubbed and opened its mouth and a miracle… a breath!
Lauren left to get a suction cup for its nose, and by the time she returned the baby was wiggling, squealing and nursing. 🙂
Baby #2, also a boy, was delivered in a similar way an hour later. Realizing he was also breech and stuck, we gently pulled until he came out, talking the entire time to one another to keep us from panicking. Two healthy, three to go.
Our only little girl baby was born an hour and a half later, and without any complications. Whew!
At 10:30, Lauren went home as I assured her I could do it by myself. I made a pallet on the floor, next to the whelping box, so I would know if Bella got up. I was so exhausted that I didn’t feel her crawl over me.
At 12:30pm, I awakened to a puppy shriek coming from the other side of the house. As I sat up, Bella appeared with her baby boy in her mouth. She deposited him in front of me, and crawled in the box. After making sure he was breathing, and all was ok, Baby #4 snuggled with his siblings and nursed mom. *He is the Chocolate PieBald on right.
Back asleep exhausted, this time I felt Bella crawl over me at 2:30 am. I followed her into the back yard, as she ran around twice and then back into the kitchen. High-pitched noises cut the air as she began pushing again. I picked her up, and we went back into my office with the other puppies. On the way, Baby #5 made a head first grand entrance. He was delivered in my lap, and little Bella was so exhausted that she didn’t attempt to open the sack so he could breathe.
Nurse Adelle 🙂 flew back into action and two minutes later, after breaking the sac, and tying/cutting the umbilical cord, I handed her last baby to her to lick and help clear his lungs. She then fell fast asleep, while he nursed, and I sat up nodding off… because they were in my lap. 🙂
Fifteen minutes later, after changing the bedding, I deposited babe, and mom into the box with the other babies, and went off to do my 8th load of ‘middle of the night’ laundry :)))
I slept next to Bella and the babies on my pallet, listening to the cooing, squealing, and sucking until 6:30 am.
We have 4 boys and 1 girl. All Piebald Dachshunds, and all healthy. :))))
Meanwhile…. Grandparents Link and Lilly stayed up all night on my bed, watching the comings and goings. They were guarding for any intruders. This morning they are still there… look closely at the first pic. They blend in!
Coffee and comfy pillows, I’m sending pics and face-timing people from all over with the news.
We are so blessed… Onward!
Sending love your way, Adelle
Update two days later… babies doing wonderful, Uncle Austin and Aunt Emily come for a short visit!