Dancing De-light-filled Friends, 
What do you have a Passion for? Music, books, singing, cooking, gardening, biking, ???… it is ALL a Dance of Life. 
No matter what you have a Passion for, every movement your body makes is a dance. Your body LOVES to move and is designed to move and self-heal. Even doing the dishes is a dance… recognize it and sense it in your body. 
We call it ‘Dancing Through Life’ in Nia, but it is a life skill that is available to everyBody. 
Bring your Passion(s) to class this week. Join me tomorrow morning, Tuesday at 6:45am, and Wednesday at 9:15am. Joanie and I will team-teach Friday 5:30pm, Saturday 9:30am, and Sunday 4:00pm, as we celebrate our wonderful new White Belts from our community! They graduate on Sunday, so be sure to dance in the celebration dance with us on Sunday at 4:00!
Its all a Dance ladies and gents… a dance of Passion!
Loving life and YOU, Adelle

Adelle Brownlee Brewer
Owner, The Synergy StudioNia 1st Degree Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer
Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator + Trainer 

Certified JourneyDance™ Facilitator

Considering taking the Nia White belt intensive?  
Whether you want to teach Nia or take Nia for personal growth, it is an amazing experience!
Check out my trainings: www.nianow.com/adelle