Life is an incredible journey!
Moment to Moment, Choice to Choice, Move to Move.

The last two weeks have accentuated the tools that I’m so grateful for, tools for living consciously to glide seamlessly through the art of life.
Moving my mother to San Antonio, clearing my house of 30 years to prepare for another family, and hosting a wonderful Nia Blue Belt training for 11 beautiful souls who graduated yesterday! We danced all week with Winalee Zeeb, masterful Nia trainer of the heart, 5 other Nia trainers weaving magic, and our incredible community of movers.
Wow! I love life and the treasures it brings!

Moment to Moment, Choice to Choice, Move to Move… conscious of the connective tissue that exists between 
all things… the yummy space that reminds us to slow down 
and savor every second.
Let’s bring it to the dance floor this evening! Fun Friday! Sumptuous Sunday! Terrific Tuesday! Wonderful Wednesday!

Savoring the yumminess of life and loving you!  Adelle
My classes this week: Friday (today!) 5:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm, Tuesday 6:45am, Wed 9:15am